By Published On: April 11, 2019Categories: Cannabis, Media Releases

PRESS RELEASE April 12 2019

“Just exactly how the 420 stoner phenomenon started is an endless discussion in Nimbin”, says Michael Balderstone, President of the HEMP Embassy. “On April 20 millions of Cannabis lovers around the planet will light up together at 4.20 pm, and of course Nimbin will join in.”

“Max Stone who lives in Nimbin says his Peace Pipe project in 1997 is the oldest reference in Australia to 420 but others say it originally started in California from a Police call out. “420 at 51 Cullen street Nimbin reputedly meant people are smoking Cannabis there.”

“Probably the real story dates back to 1971 when five high school students in San Rafael California calling themselves the Waldo’s (because their chosen meeting place was a wall!) met at 420 to smoke and search for an abandoned Cannabis crop on a secret treasure map they had from the grower. They never found the crop but the smoko habit stuck.”

Nimbin loves to celebrate all things Cannabis and April 20 is no exception with bands booked and everyone welcome to join the festivities. “As we are gearing up for the annual MardiGrass on the first weekend in May this is always a happy time,” says Michael,.”And being Easter Saturday this year promises an even bigger day with an Easter egg hunt thrown in.”

More musicians and performers are welcome. Just turn up or contact the HEMP Embassy on 66891842