MEDIA RELEASE October 20 2016
Nimbin’s next medical cannabis workshop will be held this Saturday October 22 in the villages Town Hall, starting at 11 am.
“The more the government talks about medical cannabis the more they increase demand,” says Nimbin HEMP Embassy president Michael Balderstone. “Everyone is finally acknowledging that cannabis is a unique medicinal herb and people want to try it from all walks of life these days. These workshops are for sharing knowledge and experience and we’ll continue doing them every few months.”
“In a few weeks California looks like fully legalising cannabis and anyone over 21 will be able to carry an ounce or grow six plants. They’ve had medical cannabis widely and easily available for twenty years and had no problems, in fact the opposite, and that includes driving. It’s extraordinary that we continue to arrest people here in Australia and our government is determined to control all growing and supply with plans for access to the medicine only possible through a doctors prescription to the chemist.”
“And no one can get a licence to grow if they’ve inhaled pot in the last five years says the newly available regulations! So all the experience learnt in the last fifty years by medical cannabis users and growers is to be excluded. It’s paranoid and pathetic.”
On Saturday HEMP Party Secretary Andrew Kavasilas, who has a licence to grow industrial hemp and has been attending the government talks, will fill everyone in on where we are at for now with the big promises of new medical growing permits and licences being issued soon not quite what they appear to be.
Local solicitor Steve Bolt will open the workshop at 11 am with some legal advice for all those who think the laws have changed, they haven’t. His talk will be followed by various healers, including Dr Andrew Katelaris who is driving up from Sydney, Tony Bower from Mullaways Medical Cannabis, Paul Lawrence, Heather Gladman and Frances Hood, Ellen Jones, Radic Al, Andrew and others who want to talk about their healing experiences with the herb.
“It’s sort of encouraging that the Federal Government is forging ahead with plans to licence the production of medical cannabis but some people can’t wait. And if you have an epileptic child or inoperable cancer, who wants to wait? Meanwhile, news of the plants fantastic healing abilities in certain cases where other drugs have failed are filling the internet and not everyone can afford to fly to Colorado or California.”
The Hall cafe will be open on the day with healthy hemp seed food. For more info contact the Embassy on 02 66890326 or a/h Michael 66897525