Embassy HEADLINES Issue 275
Earth Expo [28-29 October @ Albert Hall Launceston, TAS]
Renewable energy and hemp have many synergies. Not the least of which is that they’re both 100% natural and part of the journey to building a sustainable Tasmania. Introducing: Earth Expo 2017: Tasmania’s own HUGE two-day celebration of everything EARTH. It’s all in the name: Energy – Alternatives – Renewables – Tasmania – Hemp. The hemp plant arguably has more uses than any other species under broadacre cultivation today. With Hemp foods becoming legally available for consumption in Australia from Nov 12th, 2017 and new simplified industrial hemp license requirements in Tasmania, come learn everything there is to know about the legal hemp industry.
UNDEAD II [Unharm]
At the outrageous and spectacular inaugural UNDEAD party last year, a huge cross-section of the community came together to dance down the war on drugs. UNDEAD II is the second annual fundraiser for Unharm. It’s on this Saturday night, October 28 at The Oxford Arts Factory in Sydney. At the time of Halloween/Day of the Dead/Samhain, descend to the underworld to celebrate pleasure, communal self-care, and our growing power together. UNDEAD II is presented by Unharm’s Sydney Queer Contingent and features DJs Gemma, Ben Drayton, Trinity, Steve Sonius, Kate Doherty and Meta Etcetera. Performances by Mistress Tokyo and Pork Collective. All welcome, and spectacular dress ups super-welcome. It’s a party that’s political, so this year the theme is POLITICAL ANIMALS.
Australia’s Governing Coalition Have Blood on their Hands for Withholding Cannabis from Terminally Ill [Greendorphin]
The governing coalition in Australia is backed into the corner by the rest of the MP’s to show a little sign of compassion and help to fast-track access to medical cannabis for the terminally ill. Health Minister Greg Hunt demonstrates total disconnection from everyday Australians and complete lack of understanding of medical cannabis. He keeps embarrassing the Government by playing the tough guy with the terminally ill and going as far as it takes to ensure that they cannot get speedy access to life-saving medical cannabis.
Nimbin wants medical cannabis amnesty and trial [EchoNetDaily]
Medicinal cannabis advocates in Nimbin want the Lismore City Council to contact the State Government asking for an amnesty and a trial to take place in the village. For many years, Nimbin has been at the forefront of the push to recognise cannabis as medicine, and regularly holds workshops to provide people with information about the many uses of cannabis. Another workshop will be held on November 11 at the Bush Theatre in the old Nimbin butter factory.
Aphria Inc Completed First Shipment Of Cannabis Oil to Australia [Greencamp]
Canadian cannabis producer Aphria Inc has announced that the first shipment of cannabis oil to Australia has been completed. This delivery comes as the first part of Aphria’s global expansion strategy. The shipment was expected, as Aphria has previously announced their deal with Australian MedLab in which Aphria will “produce and supply high-yield cannabis extracts for Medlab to be used in its forthcoming human trial to test management of intractable pain in oncology patients”, the first of this kind in the world.
AusCann Group Holdings welcomes medical cannabis legislation [Proactive Investors]
AusCann Group Holdings (ASX:AC8) welcomes the passing of the Medicinal Cannabis Legislation Amendment (Securing Patient Access) Bill 2017 in the Senate yesterday. The bill was introduced to expand upon the ability of terminally ill patients to access cannabinoid medicines. Currently, certain terminally ill patients can only access cannabinoid medicines that are imported on a patient by patient basis. This bill will enable these terminally ill patients to access cannabinoid medicines that are produced by AusCann in Australia as well as those medicines being imported by AusCann. Through its strategic partnership with Canopy Growth Corporation, AusCann is able to import cannabinoid medicines that are already being used to treat patients in Canada.
Medical oncologist Peter Grimison tells Cancer Council WA lecture doctors are still not convinced medicinal cannabis works [The West Australian]
Doctors are not prescribing medical cannabis to their cancer patients because they are not convinced it works, according to an Australian expert. Sydney medical oncologist Peter Grimison, who is heading the world’s biggest trial of medical cannabis in cancer patients, said the jury was out on whether the medication helped relieve chemotherapy symptoms such as nausea. Associate Professor Grimison, from the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse Cancer Hospital, was in Perth yesterday to give a public lecture as part of the Cancer Council WA’s Cancer Update series. It came as a Greens bid to speed up access to medicinal marijuana passed its first parliamentary hurdle, bringing terminally ill patients one step closer to securing access to imported and Australian-grown products under the Therapeutic Goods Administration category A list.
Man charged with supplying ‘legally grown’ cannabis [Gladstone Observer]
A deed done in good faith for a friend suffering from a painful disease has landed an ACT man in a Gladstone courtroom. Milan Pero Tomljenovic is set to face the Gladstone Magistrates Court on charges of possessing and attempting to supply dangerous drugs, after police alleged he delivered nearly half a kilogram of cannabis into Gladstone from another state. She said her client had grown plants legally in the Australia Capital Territory. However he also harvested 460 grams worth of leaf and stem from his plants, which he brought into Gladstone to deliver to a friend suffering from cancer. She told the courtroom that while it was a hefty amount of cannabis – it was poor quality and the quantity seized contained no “bud”. “There’s no real value in the leaf and stems,” Ms Ditchfield said.”It is mostly used in the production of baked goods or cannabis oil – both used to treat pain – for which his friend intended to use it for.”
Legalising the Inaccessible: An Interview with Medicinal Cannabis Advocate Dr Teresa Towpik [Sydney Criminal Lawyers]
For your local GP who wants to prescribe these beneficial medicines, the mountains of paperwork are daunting. In April, the South Australian government slashed red tape around the process. By August, only eight patients in that state had actually gained approval to use the drug. Katoomba GP Teresa Towpik knows firsthand how frustrating the process of prescribing medicinal cannabis products actually is. The doctor is currently campaigning for authorities to streamline the prescription process. Sydney Criminal Lawyers spoke with Dr Towpik, founder of MediHuanna, about why cannabis is such a valuable medicine, the struggles doctors face when they want to prescribe it, and how she believes the process should actually work.
Kiwis to vote on changing cannabis laws [NZ Herald]
A public referendum on legalising cannabis for personal use will be held by the 2020 election as part of the agreement between the Green and Labour parties.
‘Absolutely yes’: Jacinda Ardern succinct and stubborn on medicinal cannabis use [Newshub]
Labour leader Jacinda Ardern has very firmly locked in her position on medicinal use of cannabis, a succinct answer in a debate strongly paralleled by National leader Bill English. In the TVNZ leaders debate, both were asked to answer in 30 seconds whether they would legalise cannabis for medicinal use, for pain relief or extending life. “I don’t need 30 seconds, Mike, the answer is absolutely yes,” Ms Ardern said to host Mike Hosking.
The Greens’ drug reform policy [Radio NZ]
The Green Party has signalled a referendum on legalising cannabis for personal use as part of its confidence and supply deal with Labour. Its leader, James Shaw, has said New Zealand would have a referendum and it was time to test public opinion on the question of personal marijuana use.
What we learned yesterday about the cannabis referendum [Public Address NZ]
We did learn a couple of things yesterday. The first is that the referendum will not be binding. The second is that the question or questions put to the public are yet to be determined. The relevant passage comes here in the Ardern-Shaw press conference in answer to a question about whether Labour will support the decriminlaisation or legalisation of cannabis if that is the result of the referendum.
This map shows how much cannabis is being consumed around the world [Independent]
Using data from the United Nations of Drugs and Crime we have compiled a map that illustrates the consumptions levels of the drug around the globe passed on the percentage of the population who use it. The United States and Canada are easily the biggest users of cannabis but surprisingly Nigeria aren’t too far behind. Other heavy cannabis taking nations include Chile, Australia, Bermuda, Czech Republic and France.
Medical Cannabis Market to Grow USD 50 billion at a CAGR of 17.1% – Global Forecast to 2023 [medGadget]
The Global Medical Cannabis Industry is estimated to grow USD 50 billion by 2023 at a CAGR of 17.1%. The cannabis contains cannabinoids compounds such as Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). The Medical Cannabis Market is segmented on basis forms, consumption, extraction, and disease. The increasing demands for the medical cannabis from the medical industry for the treatment of various ailments boost the development of the global medical cannabis market. The availability of the medical cannabis in the various product forms such as edibles, oils and dermal patches, which became the best alternative to the conventional vaporization method, which drives the demand for the medical cannabis.
Las Vegas: Paiute Tribe opens ‘largest marijuana store on the planet’ [420 Intel]
Size matters to the Las Vegas Paiute Tribe. Officials were proud to announce Monday’s soft-opening of the “Largest marijuana store on the planet” in downtown Las Vegas. The dispensary is on tribal lands, off of Main Street and Washington Avenue. Many people didn’t realize the tribe owned land in the area. The 31-acre plot is small, but there’s nothing small about the built-from-scratch NuWu Cannabis Marketplace on Paiute Circle. “NuWu actually means ‘the people,'” explained Chris Spotted Eagle, the vice-chairman of the tribe.
L.A. aims to help disadvantaged communities cash in on marijuana legalization [Los Angeles Times]
L.A. has been crafting regulations to permit a wide range of marijuana businesses as the state prepares to legalize the sale of recreational pot. Under a proposal drafted by outside consultants and released this week, the city would provide extra help to some people seeking to run cannabis businesses, in an attempt to address the uneven effects of the drug war. “For so long, people that were black, people that were Latino, we have paid the price for this business,” City Council President Herb Wesson, who is African American, said at a recent community forum in Watts. “And as we move this into the legal realm, it is important to us that we have a piece of the action.”
Legal Marijuana Is Becoming the Norm [Reason]
One sign of the shift came in Wednesday’s debate among the Democrats running for governor of Illinois. The state didn’t get its first medical marijuana dispensary until 2015, and it decriminalized possession of small amounts of pot only last year. But most of the candidates endorsed legalization of recreational weed, and one supported “full decriminalization.” Those positions are not politically risky, in Illinois or in most places. They’re mainstream.
Eventbrite Is Pulling Some Cannabis Events From Its Site, Leaving Organizers Frustrated [Forbes]
For the past two years, Michael Zaytsev has sold tickets to the New York Cannabis Film Festival on Eventbrite. The yearly event shows off films that span from entertaining comedies to educational documentaries in Brooklyn’s trendy Wythe Hotel. But this year, Eventbrite abruptly pulled the event from its platform and suspended Zaytsev’s account.
Resident physicians feel unprepared to counsel patients on medical cannabis [EurekAlert!]
A recent study from Saint Peter’s University Hospital in New Brunswick, New Jersey, highlights the need for further education among resident physicians in the use of medical cannabis. It found 38% of resident physicians thought medical marijuana was a prescribed substance, while 78% did not know into what category medical cannabis fell within the Controlled Substance Act. Researchers also found internal medicine residents reported a lack of preparedness for counseling patients regarding medical cannabis. Among resident physicians, there were increased concerns of safety, addiction potential, and limited evidence of therapeutic benefit, which were similar across specialties.
California wildfires destroy legal marijuana crops [BBC]
The fires that burned across California’s wine country also destroyed legal marijuana crops.
California fires: Cannabis farm fundraisers shut down [BBC]
Crowdfunding efforts to help legal cannabis farms damaged in California’s wildfires have been closed down because of fear of contradictory national laws. More than $13,000 (£10,000) was raised for the dozens of businesses. Medical cannabis is already legal in California and it is set to be sold recreationally from January next year. However under US federal law it is illegal to manufacture, distribute or sell the drug – making it difficult for legal growers to get help.
14-Year Trend of Rising Opioid Deaths Reversed in Colorado After Marijuana Legalization [Reason]
Since legal recreational marijuana sales began in Colorado in January 2014, the state has seen a 6 percent drop in opioid deaths, according to research published in the American Journal of Public Health. The drop follows 14 years of rising opioid deaths, going back to the first year for which the esearchers had data.
Canadian Edibles Get a Green Light, Licensed Producers Rejoice [Leafly]
The House Standing Committee on Health, which studies issues related to Health Canada, including bills and regulations, recently voted for an amendment to the Cannabis Act that, if approved by the House of Commons, will ensure cannabis edibles and concentrates will be introduced to the Canadian market no later than 12 months after recreational cannabis becomes legal next summer.
Airport security stops calling police on passengers carrying prescription pot [CBC]
Canadian airport security screeners have stopped calling the police every time they process a passenger traveling with medical marijuana. The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) changed its policy this month after an exponential growth in the number of passengers with prescription pot in their carry-on luggage. CATSA spokesperson Mathieu Larocque told CBC News that in the past six months, security screeners following policy had to call the police 2,900 times. That compares with police being summoned only 128 times in the entire 2012-13 fiscal year. “Calling the police every time was cumbersome, it took time and some passengers rightfully felt it wasn’t necessary to call the police when they were in possession of a legitimate certificate or documentation,” Larocque told CBC News.
Melissa Etheridge on getting arrested for pot: ‘I’m in good company’ [SFgate]
The singer-songwriter recently spoke to Variety about getting pulled over by Customs and Border Protection agents on the night of Aug. 17 in Portal, North Dakota. “I had some cannabis oil, actually a vape pen, in my toiletry case and they found it. They didn’t get much, it was a small amount,” Etheridge told Variety. “I’m mad at myself,” Etheridge added. “I was careless. It’s an international border, I should’ve known better. But I hope this can move the issue forward, shed some light on how many people use cannabis as a medicine.”
Pickering vape lounge will allow members to smoke pot in relaxing environment [Durham Region, Canada]
A Pickering couple has high hopes for the opening of their holistic vape lounge that allows marijuana users to smoke cannabis in a comfortable environment. Tiara Sillet, born and raised in Pickering, and her wife, Annelene Sillet, are holding the grand opening of Natural Budz on Saturday, Oct. 21 from noon to midnight, when people can get in for free. The Krosno Boulevard business will offer daily, weekly and monthly memberships, which include entry to the lounge plus the use of vaporizers. Cannabis meditation sessions will take place Friday afternoons.
Street Lottery: Cannabis Potency and Mental Health [Volteface]
There is a huge amount of conjecture around the issue of cannabis use and mental health in the UK. The relationship between the drug and how it can impact both positively and negatively on someone’s mental health is a complex one. Debate on this issue is often polarised, with one camp proclaiming cannabis is so safe that it should be legalised and made available to all, and another stating that cannabis is more dangerous than some might think and that we should have harsher sentences for those both growing and consuming it. This report addresses the issue head-on and explores in depth the difficult question of how cannabis impacts a consumer’s mental health. Its findings paint a problematic picture, which can only be addressed through considered reform.
Italian Parliament Closer to Medical Cannabis Acceptance [Marijuana]
The Italian Parliament has moved a medical cannabis bill forward to the Senate. If adopted, the legislation would create a uniform framework across Italy for marijuana as medicine.
Poland Opens as Medical Cannabis Export Market [New Cannabis Ventures]
This Summer, Poland became the twelfth country in the European Union (EU) to permit the sale of medical cannabis products to treat certain medical conditions.
Peru Congress passes bill to legalize medical marijuana [Reuters]
Peru’s conservative Congress passed a bill to legalize medical marijuana late on Thursday with a 68-5 vote in favor of allowing cannabis oil to be produced, imported and commercialized. President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski had proposed the measure after police cracked down on a group of mothers making cannabis oil in a makeshift laboratory to treat their epileptic children.
Hebrew U. organizes Buenos Aires cannabis conference [The Times of Israel]
The first International Conference on Cannabis’ Endocannabinoid and Medicinal System in Argentina´s history, will take place October 24-25 at NH Tango Porteño Hotel in Buenos Aires. Hebrew University explained why it chose Buenos Aires for the international academic conference, titled Latinoamericanna. “Motivated by Argentina’s privileged potential, thanks to its land’s extension and climatic variations, its prestige in agricultural and technological methods, its undeniable scientific capacity and endowment…we can position Argentina and the region within this fascinating world of scientific progress and economic development,” said a statement on the conference’s website.
A quarter of problematic pot users have anxiety disorders, many since childhood [Science Daily]
About a quarter of adults whose marijuana use is problematic in early adulthood have anxiety disorders in childhood and late adolescence, according to new data.
High school synthetic cannabis users more likely to take other drugs [Medical News Today]
A recent study found that high school seniors who use synthetic cannabinoids are more likely to use other drugs when compared with students who only use cannabis. Synthetic cannabinoids, or synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists, bind to the same receptors as cannabis. Currently, there are 14 families of synthetic cannabinoids, all of which have very different chemical structures. Although they bind in the same places as cannabis, their effects can vary widely — as can their safety.
Videos from AYA2016 are now available! [ICEERS]
On the one year anniversary of the second World Ayahuasca Conference, we’re thrilled to be sharing the recordings of the more than 40 conference presentations. Just 12 short months ago 750 people from 33 countries gathered in Rio Branco, Brazil, in the heart of the Amazon to honor the diversity of ayahuasca practices.
Next Nimbin Medical Cannabis Workshop Saturday November 11 2017 [Nimbin Hemp Embassy]
Another big crowd is expected for the Nimbin HEMP Embassy’s next MEDICAN Workshop on Saturday November 11, from 11 am by the river at the Bush Theatre in the old Nimbin butter factory. “These gatherings are important and mostly about education”, says Embassy president Michael Balderstone. “The workshop is a good opportunity to ask questions and meet people who have been involved with Mediweed for decades.”
Australia’s largest hemp & cannabis event heads to Melbourne [Hydroponics]
2-3 December, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre: The Hemp Health & Innovation (HHI) Expo & Symposium is everything hemp and cannabis. With a bigger venue and hemp foods officially legal for sale and consumption in Australia from Nov 12, HHI Melbourne will be Australia’s first large scale opportunity to sample, purchase and taste hemp foods.
EGA 2017 third program announcement plus the infamous raffle now up and running [Entheogenesis Australis]
Entheogenesis Australis 2017 Outdoor Psychedelic Symposium, 8th – 10th of December, Eildon Victoria It is our absolute pleasure to share with you Entheogenesis Australis (EGA’s) greatly anticipated third program announcement. We are also letting you know that the infamous EGA technicolour raffle is now open. EGA’s psychedelic symposium brings together a formidable panel of experts in the area of psychedelic studies from Australia and around the world. The lecture program forms the backbone of what will be the most comprehensive and exciting conference of its kind in Australasia. There will also be a broad range of lectures, panels, a market space and an arts program to give balance to the content-heavy lecture and workshop programs. The third program announcement listed below has information about workshops, group-based healing modalities, PRISM research track and the bonus Monday programming at the EGA campground. To see the outstanding full list of more than 50 EGA lectures – Click Here – Tickets to the 2017 Psychedelic Symposium are strictly limited to 500 and are available as pre-sale only. With less than 150 tickets remaining, please secure your ticket soon, as tickets will sell out. We hope very much to see you in December for this unique conference gathering. Buy your ticket now – www.entheogenesis.org/tickets
New Druglawed film released! [Druglawed]
“Druglawed: Spokeswoman” has just been released. The production crew wants to thank all the fine Australians who supported this production! Special thanks go out to the good folk of Nimbin and the Nimbin Hemp Embassy. “Spokeswoman” is filmed on location in Sydney, Melbourne and Nimbin, featuring outspoken Member of Parliament Fiona Patten, the firebrand civil libertarian who is campaigning for an end to the War on Drugs. Also featured are Law Enforcement Against Prohibition campaigner Greg Denham, high-profile medical cannabis patient Ben Oakley, and the provider of his life-saving cannabinoid medicine, Jenny Hallam. Andrew Kavasilas, pioneering Nimbin hemp researcher, co-stars in the film, which showcases some of the celebratory scenes at Nimbin MardiGrass 2017. “Spokeswoman” can be downloaded for $4.20, all proceeds go towards funding post production of the final chapter of Druglawed Series 2, which was filmed in Uruguay. Click this link to download the film: https://druglawed.vhx.tv/buy/druglawed-2-episode-3-spokeswoman
Petition: Please help desperate terminally-ill and sick patients — medicinal cannabis is blocked [change.org]
The laws are so broken that just 18 sick patients have managed to access medicinal cannabis in NSW. I need your help now by signing my petition. I’ve spoken with NSW Health Minister personally about fixing the broken medicinal cannabis laws. But the government still hasn’t fixed these laws blocking doctors and patients from accessing medicinal cannabis, in fact it has added to them.