Embassy HEADLINES Issue 352
Roadside drug-testing flaws exposed in local court case [Echo Net Daily]
A major inconsistency in the state’s roadside drug testing regime has emerged during a Lismore court case, with the police’s leading drug test expert stating that cannabis consumed via capsule cannot be detected through a roadside saliva test.
Lawyers: Australia’s ‘disproportionate’ drug driving laws need overhaul as part of cannabis legalisation proposal [9News]
Australia’s “disproportionate” drug driving laws should be overhauled as part of a proposal to legalise recreational cannabis use for adults in the ACT Under a law proposed by Labor backbencher Michael Pettersson, residents would be legally allowed to carry up to 50 grams of cannabis and would be allowed cultivate up to four plants at their home – the sale of the drug would remain illegal. The inquiry has generated a lot of interest, with the ACT Law Society saying drug driving laws need to be amended ahead of changes.
Swinburne helps make roads safer with drug testing [Swinburne]
Police and VicRoads, Swinburne researchers from psychology, neuroscience and medical disciplines worked together to verify that drivers using cannabis and methamphetamine (speed) had an increased crash risk.
‘We’ve adopted entirely the wrong system’: Medicinal cannabis campaigner slams government trial [2GB]
The key campaigner for medicinal cannabis in Australia says the government has completely stuffed up the testing process.
Medicinal cannabis enquiries up, doctors willing if informed [Scoop]
The first ever comprehensive and independent survey of New Zealand medical professionals’ views on medicinal cannabis shows growing enquiries from patients and a strong willingness from physicians to prescribe products from next year, providing they have sufficient information.
Two Cents’ Worth: Growing a cannabis economy [RNZ]
“It’s going to help out community, and put our kids into things like being lab technicians instead of lining up for a bloody benefit cheque or whatever.”
Just Legalise It! [The Greens]
With 420 on in just four days, we want to put Just Legalise It in peoples’ minds before they head to the ballot box for the federal election. Help us spread the word by making a $4.20 donation right now.
Nimbin’s 420 Smoke-In! [Hemp Embassy]
Featuring the BIG Joint from 2pm ~ Music, hemp food and 4:20 Smoke In ~ Mingle Park Nimbin ~ 4:20pm April 20 2019
The Largest US Marijuana Dispensary Just Got Even Bigger [The Motley Fool]
Given that the U.S. marijuana market could dwarf Canada’s, perhaps it’s no surprise that the most aggressive acquisition and merger activity can be seen among vertically integrated cannabis dispensary operators. By vertically integrated, I mean a company that completely controls its supply chain, including growing and processing marijuana within the state(s) that it’s also retailing the product. Since cannabis can’t be transported across state lines, per federal law, this vertical integration is a means of keeping costs down while controlling production quality.
Has legalization of recreational cannabis made Canada a destination for pot pilgrimage? [The Growth Op]
Country slow to take on the cannabis destination mantle, need to make it easy to buy, easy to smoke and easy to understand where it fits in to the cultural landscape.
Canadian Cannabis companies say they are growing enough pot, they just can’t deliver it [Market Watch]
Organigram has rolled 2.6 million joints so far, but is still struggling to produce enough consumer-ready cannabis. One pesky stamp has become the symbol of a continuing problem in Canada: Pot producers struggling to get enough cannabis to market, at least in the ways that buyers want it.
Medical marijuana in Washington schools [Komo News]
A proposal to allow parents to administer limited forms of marijuana to their children on school property has passed the state Senate, along with a proposal for new marijuana testing rules.
Denver Council gives initial OK to ease rules for cannabis social consumption sites [Marijuana Business Daily]
The Denver City Council gave preliminary approval to relax rules that require marijuana social consumption businesses to operate at least 1,000 feet from schools, child care facilities, drug and alcohol treatment centers and city recreation buildings.
New York City Bars Employers From Requiring Marijuana Drug Tests [Medical Marijuana Inc]
Members of New York City’s city council last week overwhelmingly voted in favor of a municipal proposal that prohibits employers from requiring job applicants to be drug tested for the past use of marijuana.
Puff, puff, pass? Greater clarity needed on cannabis best practices for Ontario festivals and events [The Growth Op]
Cannabis has been a fixture of the province’s festival circuit for as long as there have been festivals, but with weed now being legal, what do organizers need to consider and will events need to evolve?
These Are the US Counties With the Highest Rate of Marijuana Arrests [Civilized]
Recreational cannabis use remains illegal in 40 US states. But not all jurisdictions enforce prohibition with the same zeal. Some areas are more ruthless than others. With that in mind, here are the top 5 counties that have the highest rates of marijuana arrests, according to FBI data from 2016.
24 California Cities Sue Over Home Marijuana Delivery [Medical Marijuana Inc]
The lawsuit argues that licensed cannabis delivery operators shouldn’t be able to service people in jurisdictions that have prohibited marijuana sales.
California licensing snafu could cost cannabis growers thousands in lost revenue, possible shutdowns [Marijuana Business Daily]
California’s marijuana growers are at risk of losing thousands of dollars in revenue as scores of temporary business licenses expire each day before the state can replace them with annual permits. That leaves many cultivators trapped in a licensing logjam with a difficult choice: Continue operating with expired permits – or shut down.
California county making progress on repeal of cannabis cultivation ban [Marijuana Business Daily]
A California county is still working on a new regulatory regime to govern cannabis farmers, which could provide a way back into the legal market for hundreds of growers who’ve been stuck in limbo since January 2018. The movement marks a reversal from a ban enacted over a year ago by the former board, which left an estimated 750 MJ farmers without any legal way to continue growing.
Bill would let California veterinarians recommend cannabis [ViN News]
Last year, California became the first state in the U.S. to recognize cannabis in veterinary medicine, providing legal protection to veterinarians who talk with pet owners about its use. A bill before the state Legislature this year would go a step further, allowing qualified veterinarians to recommend cannabis for pets.
Montana House moves bill forward to lift one-provider limit for medical cannabis patients [Marijuana Business Daily]
The Montana House passed a bill to revise medical marijuana laws to eliminate a requirement that patients have only one provider, which could potentially boost sales by allowing easier access to medical cannabis.
Activists Want to Dedicate April 21 to Cannabis Justice [Cannabis Now]
The 420 holiday has long been a day of celebration of cannabis culture. But a group of activists has launched an effort to the make the day after into one for grappling with the challenge of creating an equitable, inclusive and diverse cannabis industry.
Marijuana legalization is very popular [Vox]
In the three major national surveys in the USA, support for legalization is at an all-time high.
The future of plastic: Hemp [Lumberjack]
Hemp plastics are non-toxic, biodegradable, durable and versatile. There are even food and pharmaceutical-grade hemp plastics out in the market.
Top 10 New Studies on the Effects of Marijuana [Medical Marijuana Inc]
It’s been an exciting 12-months for cannabis research. In celebration of 4/20, check out these top 10 marijuana studies published within the last year.
Study: Cannabis Enhances ‘Enjoyment’ and ‘Recovery’ From Exercise [Ganjapreneur]
According to a recent University of Colorado Boulder study, 81.7 percent of respondents enjoy combining the use of cannabis with their exercise regimens.
New Study Suggests Cannabis May Be Used to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis [High Times]
Cannabis may be an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, according to a new study published in the journal Current Opinion in Rheumatology. Researchers, who noted that “an increasing number of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are using cannabis to treat their symptoms,” wrote that “cannabinoids could be a suitable treatment for RA” and called for further study into the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD.
CBD Oil: Do You Really Need It? [Weed News]
Despite CBD now being legal in many countries including the USA, its usage is still controversial.
Cannabis Use Associated With Fewer Disease-Related Complications In Crohn’s Disease Patients [Weed News]
Crohn’s disease patients seeking hospitalization who use marijuana possess fewer disease-related complications as compared to matched controls, according to data published in the journal Digestive Diseases and Sciences.
Medical marijuana eases cancer treatment symptoms for some [MPR News]
Medical marijuana may help reduce the severity of side effects associated with cancer and its treatment. That’s the conclusion of a newly published Minnesota study of more than 1,000 patients.
Fresh guidance to fill ‘information vacuum’ on new cannabis products for medicinal use [Science Daily]
A clinical review, published today (Saturday 6 April 2019) for the BMJ, provides new interim advice for doctors and clinicians in prescribing cannabis-based products and cannabinoids to treat certain conditions.
Can Cannabis Help You Get Off Adderall? [Civilized]
About a year ago, she discovered an alternative. A high-THCV strain of cannabis gave her the energy and mental presence she needed to stay focused at work and didn’t negatively affect her mood at home. (The cannabinoid THCV, sometimes called “the new CBD” offers a clear-headed cerebral high known to help with focus, and often suppresses munchies.)
Looking to improve your marijuana for extraction? [Marijuana Business Daily]
Growing marijuana that works well in the extraction process demands a specified approach beyond simply cultivating the best possible plants.
Beauty mark: Cannabis holds promise for beauty products, but are some unsightly trends developing? [The Growth Op]
Consumers need to be clear on what cannabis delivers in cosmetics, understanding that CBD and hemp are not necessarily synonymous.
How Facebook And Instagram Hold Back Cannabis Progress [the Fresh Toast]
Despite a reluctance to censor dangerous hate speech, Facebook and by default, Instagram, are plenty able to hinder sex workers, cannabis organizations, and even Black Lives Matter activists with their policies. This makes little sense, and has made plenty of people angry enough to leave the platforms, but given the degree to which we rely on social media for work, friendship, and even news and connection, there is a distinct cost to opting out.
UCLA researcher to study the social impact of cannabis [The Growth Op]
“Los Angeles has become an experiment for the United States to see what happens when we permit the use of cannabis across the board,” says UCLA researcher Dr. Ziva Cooper
Gateway to Good Health [Weed Billboards]
The war on drugs and in particular cannabis is well past its use by date in Australia and in an effort to keep the issue on the agenda we have started a weed billboards campaign. Excited that our first billboard is up just north of Grafton in NSW.
It costs $5K for a year, and we’d like to grow weed billboards all around the country. We’d love your help to spread the weed, so there is a gofundme site where you can donate.
Please send in billboard suggestions! We’d like this campaign to support messages from various cannabis and drug law reform groups around Australia, so it would be great to pool resources to create more and more new billboards. We are open to all creative ideas, and any size donations.
We just want an end to being criminals for using one of nature’s absolute gifts.
E-Petition: Legalise cannabis for recreational use [Parliament of Victoria]
Petition: For a Referendum on Recreational Cannabis Use during 2019 NSW Election [Liberal Democrats]
Cannabis as Medicine Survey: 2018 [The University of Sydney]
Support Tony Bower’s Legal Fees [gofundme]
Just Reform It! Let’s Get Real about Drugs [The Greens]
Survey: What’s the link between cannabis use and psychotic experiences? [The University of Queensland]
Nimbin’s 420 Smoke-In! [Hemp Embassy]
Featuring the BIG Joint from 2pm ~ Music, hemp food and 4:20 Smoke In ~ Mingle Park Nimbin ~ 4:20pm April 20 2019
Harvest Festival & Cannabis Cup [New Zealand]
20-21 April 2019, Dunedin NZ
27th Nimbin MardiGrass [Hemp Embassy]
3-5 May 2019, Nimbin NSW
Garden States – A forum for cultivating ethnobotanical plants & knowledge [Entheogenesis Australis]
12 May 2019, Melbourne VIC
Hemp, Health & Innovation Expo & Symposium [HHI]
18-19 May 2019, Rosehill Racecourse, Rosehill, Sydney NSW
‘Sex, Drugs and the Electoral Roll’: MP’s Memoir Goes On Sale [Reason]
Medicinal Cannabis & Hemp Tasmania & “the leaf” Newsletter [Facebook]
Nimbin Medican Workshops on YouTube [Hemp Embassy]
MardiGrass Hemposium 2018 Talks now Available on YouTube [Hemp Embassy]
DRUG WAR OVER! [Radio Documentary]
View five new EGA video presentations on ethnobotanical plants and psychedelics [Entheogenesis Australis]
To mark the anniversary of our special gathering and end the year on a high note, we’ve released five new videos of talks from the Psychedelic Symposium that are now available to watch online and can also be found below in this email.