Embassy HEADLINES Issue 363
World’s leading medicinal cannabis researchers converge on Wollongong [The Illawarra Mercury]
Set up two years ago – with hubs in Newcastle and Wollongong – the Australian Centre for Cannabinoid Clinical and Research Excellence (ACRE) researchers are working hard to develop a national research and policy framework to ensure Australians have access to products that are safe and effective for certain conditions.
NZ Royal College endorses cannabis masterclass [Scoop Health]
A New Zealand masterclass in medicinal cannabis has been formally endorsed by The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) – marking a significant first for the country. Set to take place later this month in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, the medicinal cannabis training is available free of change to doctors and healthcare professionals.
Hawaii is now the 26th to legalize or decriminalize pot.
Downturn in California lab-tested marijuana [Marijuana Business Daily]
The number of marijuana product batches undergoing laboratory testing in California has dipped in recent months, sparking worries among some industry officials over the health of the state’s cannabis market and the possibility that product supply is dwindling.
Subscription Service Ships Concentrates Directly to Consumers [High Times]
Instead of letting extracts age on a dispensary shelf, Apex is offering consumers an opportunity to receive their extracts while they’re at the freshest point.
How Consumers Are Shaping Cannabis Consumption [Visual Capitalist]
The cannabis industry continues to reach new heights, and according to market analysts, global legal spending on cannabis could reach $32 billion by 2022 — a majority of which is thanks to U.S. and Canadian consumers.
A master’s in marijuana [ABC News]
As more states move to legalize marijuana, both medically and recreationally, a number of schools are creating graduate and undergraduate programs aimed at studying the field to supply a more educated U.S. marijuana workforce.
Study: Teen Cannabis Use Declines Post-Legalization [Ganjapreneur]
A team of researchers looking at post-legalization high school surveys found a decline among teenage cannabis use following the local legalization of medical and adult-use cannabis.
Why Weed Strains with the Same Levels of THC/CBD Can Produce So Many Different Effects [Marijuana Break]
We look at the science.
The Parachute Pill [The Marijuana Times]
A man in Michigan is combining two things in the form of a “parachute pill” whose main ingredient is cannabidiol (CBD), designed to help cannabis users come down from being “too high”.
Doctors not prescribing medicinal cannabis due to lack of clinical trials [The Guardian]
U.K. Commons’ health committee warns patients’ expectations are being disappointed.
Study shows how cannabis could be effective for both pain relief and insomnia [News Medical]
The study, published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, which looked at 1,000 people taking legalized marijuana in an American state found that among the 65% of people taking cannabis for pain, 80% found it was very or extremely helpful.
How good is hemp for your health? [SBS]
U.S Scientists Sue DEA Over Marijuana Cultivation Application Delay [Marijuana Moment]
The researchers argued that cannabis produced by the only federally authorized cultivation facility at the University of Mississippi is of poor quality and inadequate for their clinical trial on the use of marijuana to treat post-traumatic stress disorder among veterans.
Extractors Celebrate Their 710 Holiday – Dab Day [Green Market Report]
Extractors get their own holiday every year. July 10, also known as 7/10 has been fondly named “Dab Day” within the cannabis community. Spelling “OIL” when flipped upside-down, 7/10 is the day when cannabis concentrates and extracts are celebrated.
How Psychedelic Surf Smugglers Invented Dabs [Leafly]
Who invented the dab? All too often in the world of cannabis such monumental achievements end up lost to history, particularly those that date back to the bad old days of total prohibition. But in this case, we actually have a primary document to work off. Because on October 3, 1973, the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary held a rather unique hearing entitled Hashish Smuggling and Passport Control: The Brotherhood of Eternal Love.
Forming a Sisterhood of Cannabis Nuns [Ganjapreneur]
Sister Kate is the founder of Sisters of the Valley, a collection of self-described cannabis nuns who grow CBD-rich cannabis in California.
How to Tell the Good Weed from the Bad [Marijuana Break]
How to choose high-quality bud and avoid getting ripped off.
Jay-Z joins cannabis company as chief brand strategist [The Guardian]
The billionaire rapper is the latest celebrity to get into the marijuana business as its legalization for recreational use has spread to 11 US states.
Pill testing & Roadside Drug Testing [Australian Council of Civil Liberties]
Join us for a relevant and insightful panel discussion with Mick Palmer(former AFP Commissioner) and Dr Alex Wodak (former Director of the Alcohol and Drug Service). The panel will cover Roadside Drug Testing and Pill Testing and will be followed with light refreshments.
Inquiry into drug driving reform [Enpsychedelia]
The National Drug Driving Working Group clearly states that drug driving laws are specifically a driving offense and not a drug offense. Despite this, people who are not impaired, but may still have trace amounts of one of three prescribed substances in their bodily fluid, are frequently charged with a road offense. There is a significant economic and social burden from these unjustified infringements.
E-Petition: Inquiry into drug driving reform [Parliament of Victoria]
Gateway to Good Health [Weed Billboards]
Celebrating Cannabis [Australian Cannabis Awards]
E-Petition: Legalise cannabis for recreational use [Parliament of Victoria]
Just Reform It! Let’s Get Real about Drugs [The Greens]
Survey: What’s the link between cannabis use and psychotic experiences? [The University of Queensland]
MardiGrass Hemposium 2019 Talks now Available on YouTube [Hemp Embassy]
EP202 – Roadside Drug Testing Panel at Nimbin Mardi Grass [Enpsychedelia]
‘Sex, Drugs and the Electoral Roll’: MP’s Memoir Goes On Sale [Reason]
Medicinal Cannabis & Hemp Tasmania & “the leaf” Newsletter [Facebook]
Nimbin Medican Workshops on YouTube [Hemp Embassy]
DRUG WAR OVER! [Radio Documentary]
View five new EGA video presentations on ethnobotanical plants and psychedelics [Entheogenesis Australis]
To mark the anniversary of our special gathering and end the year on a high note, we’ve released five new videos of talks from the Psychedelic Symposium that are now available to watch online and can also be found below in this email.