Hemp Embassy Headlines Issue 549 March 3 2023

Hemp Embassy Headlines Issue 549 March 3 2023

Welcome to this week in the HEMP Headlines

Are we winning yet?

Hello again friends of our little green friend,

On Wednesday the 1st in the Nimbin Town Hall, The Greens held a public forum on there upcoming lodgement for legalising cannabis in NSW parliament.
I enjoyed it overall and cant really fault them for their approach.
I was particularly interested in their advice on Cannabis Clubs, I haven’t got the hard facts with me but it was suggested having groups of up to 12 with a max plant volume of 200?

Don’t quote me on that, that would be pretty great though.
The Greens team seem very competent, Adam Guis is our member for Lismore, I look forward to seeing his face more and the team overall. I think they will really be sticking it to Labour.
The forum was recorded so hopefully it will be uploaded for me to share with you.

I popped a couple of pics from the day below the intro.
Remember Vote 1 for Legalise Cannabis and number the rest how you see fit, all those numbers do count.

Medican was also on last weekend after a long build up.

My first one, very chill but it was a non stop learning event, heaps of great info from every aspect you can imagine.
If you missed it, our friend, Disco Sista, masterfully recorded them and are avaiable for public viewing on Disco Sista’s Medican Youtube Channel hereThanks Sista.

Next up for the Hemp Embassy is HHI Expo Brisbane, Saturday, 25-26th March, 2023

Michael Balderstone and I were chatting medical a couple of days ago and he showed me this website.
I think its a great idea as long as its completely directed at the legal market.


Cannabiz did a bit of story here

Also a good general story, “Cannabis For Concentration”.
I’m sure many of us recognise that strain plays a huge part here but as a bit of an ex-fitness nut I can definitely without a doubt say weed as a far more safer, effective and enjoyable pre-workout.
If you’re interested try a Sour Diesel or a Gorilla Glue Strain, great for pain management and energy.

Big Shout out to all the Candidates who are putting themselves up for NSW election in love of our little green friend.
You can see many of our candidates here but will hopefully have a better looking list to provide you next week.

personal thank you to Gail, Michael, Suzette, Craig (and everyone else!) for making this happen. They’re there everyday making sure we ticked all right boxes and spell checked everything “gloabally” (sorry coulnt’t help myself Gail lol).
I doubt most people have any idea how much it all is to deal with let alone the politics or money side. Not bad for a bunch of, pardon the slang “Stoners”.

Thanks for reading, catch ya next week for more good Hemp and Cannabis News!

PS. If you would like to contribute in any way please let me know, I encourage it!

Don’t forget to check upcoming events.

NSW election, March 25th

Legalise Cannabis NSW needs whatever help you can provide.

Can you help us at the booths? or online by educating others? or can you donate to the cause?

legalisecannabis.org.au & Legalise Cannabis NSW Facebook Group

The Hemp Headlines & The Hemp Hour
Mail from 9am on Friday and On Air on NIMFM.org at 12pm.

#freetheweed #changethelaw #thelawisthecrime


GREENS.ORG.AUGreens Announce Plan to Legalise Cannabis in Next Term of Parliament | Greens NSWCate Faehrmann, Greens MP and drug law reform spokesperson, has today launched the Greens plan to legalise and regulate recreational cannabis in NSW. 
Australia /New Zealand
The Age: Easing of rules around driving on medicinal cannabis a priority, Andrews says
Echo: Time for drug law reform in NSW as state election looms?
Yahoo: ‘Prohibition has failed’: Push to legalise weed in NSW
ABC 7-min Video: The Legalise Cannabis MPs lobbying for change in Victoria
Canberra Times: Former Greens MP hopes to legalise cannabis in NSW
Cannabiz: Dob-in website launches to report ‘unethical’ practices in the medicinal cannabis space
Sky News: Palpable fear grips communities as Queenlands youth crime epidemic escalates
SBS News: It’s been seven years since medicinal cannabis was legalised. Is access now ‘too easy’?
9News: Mum whose son died from cancer calls for better access to medicinal cannabis
Hemp Gazette: Pressure Mounts In Australia For Medical Cannabis Driving Reform
NORML: Alaska: Supreme Court Orders Prior Cannabis Convictions to Be Sealed From Public View
Int. Cannabis Chronical: Malta Home Affairs Ministry Is Reportedly ‘In Talks With A Main Bank’
Dope Magazine: Florida Pushes for Adult-Use Cannabis as Alternatives Prove Deadly
MJBizDaily: Virginia lawmakers pass tough delta-8 THC restrictions
Politico: Dodgy science, poor access and high prices: The parallel medical world of medicinal marijuana in America
High Times: Over 7,500 Pot Convictions Expunged in Missouri
The Guardian: New York’s new drug problem: what to do with a billion dollar weed mountain?
Dutch News: Regulated Marijuana Experiment In Amsterdam
The Hemp Hour on NimFM.orgFridays at 12pm – nimfm.org
2023 NSW State ElectionSaturday 25 March 2023
HHI Expo BrisbaneSaturday 25-26th March 2023
Moorabool Mushroom FestivalBallan, Victoria, April 15-16, 2023
420 In The Park – South Brisbane QLDThursday 20th April 2023
6th International Conference on Cannabis and Medicinal Research – TBC, SydneyApril 25-26th 2023
Nimbin MardiGrassMay 5-7th 2023
Aquarius 50 Festival12-21st May 2023
Australian Medical Cannabis Symposium – Brisbane Convention CentreAugust 11-13th, 2023
SHRM.ORGTransferring Professional Skills to the Cannabis IndustryLike many industries, the cannabis sector has experienced challenges in hiring the talent it needs. What specific skills does the cannabis industry need, which skills are transferable from other industries, and how has the industry gone about attracting p

Medical Republic: Medicinal cannabis demands highlight the GP knowledge gap
The Guardian 15min Podcast: What should we do about the rise in children vaping?
Herb Co.: Cannabis For Concentration: Is Weed What You Need To Focus?
Business and Industry

Hemp Today: Tiny Pacific island nation of Vanuatu hopes to draw hemp investors

New Cannabis Ventures: The Global Cannabis Stock Index Pulls Back in February

420Intel: Cannabis sales in California drop for first time in five years

Cannabis Business Times: Green Thumb CEO Warns of ‘Washout’ for Cannabis Industry

Seeking Alpha: Green Thumb Industries: My Strongest Conviction Pick In The Cannabis Industry

Politics and Law
2GB: Legalised cannabis is ‘inevitable’: Jeremy Buckingham
SBS.COM.AUIt’s been seven years since medicinal cannabis was legalised. Is access now ‘too easy’?Demand for medicinal cannabis has boomed in recent years. Has Australia got the balance right?
LEAFLY.COMPineapple Express Weed Strain Information | LeaflyPineapple Express is a sativa-dominant hybrid marijuana strain made by crossing Trainwreck with Hawaiian. While this strain rose to fame on the silver screen in 2008 amidst the release of Pineapple Express, it is a real strain that you can find on the shelves of dispensaries across the country.  Sin…
History and Culture
Vapingpost: Australian Survey Reveals Cannabis Consumption is More Accepted Than Smoking
LCA FB: Kyle Sandilands drops alcohol confession in devastating look back at childhood
Cannadelics: The Vape Bong: Best of Both Worlds
Thaiger: Island highs: Where to score the best cannabis in Phuket
High Times: Heated Debate Erupts on Reddit Over Weed Etiquette at Concerts
Campaigns and Petitions
Legalise Cannabis NSW: Facebook Group
The Greens: have backed vaping – now it’s time for the major parties to get on board.
Parlimentary Budget Office: Costing for Senator Shoebridge on Legalise Cannabis
Cause: End discrimination against medicinal cannabis patients in Australian drug driving laws – Change.org

Legalise Cannabis Australia: Get Involved in your state!
HEMPEMBASSY.US14.LIST-MANAGE.COMSign the PetitionEnd discrimination against medicinal cannabis patients in Australian drug driving laws.
NIMBINMARDIGRASS.COMTickets & Camping – Nimbin MardiGrass 5th – 7th May 2023Tickets & Camping IMPORTANT: MardiGrass Tickets do NOT get sent out! Your PayPal receipt is your Ticket confirmation. Bring it with you to MardiGrass. If you don’t have a PayPal account, just scroll to the bottom of the PayPal payment page and it gives you the option to pay directly with your credit card. Golden […]
Snoop Dawg
The HEMP Embassy Headlines are a selection of recent articles from news and media services primarily concerning Cannabis issues, the consequences of prohibition and the challenges for law reform. If you have any suggestions or contributions you’d like to see here, please email us at [email protected]

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