Happy New Year All! I hope your Full Moon was fruitful. Lots of Business going on across the World. Australia’s been a little quiet this week but plenty happening overseas. I’m sure we are all aware of the chaos that is happening around us, pretty hard to avoid anything else. Hemp is progressing well in the States. Processing has really hit the agenda and is a natural step for many countries including Australia as mentioned in Hemp Embassy Headlines Issue 590 Dec 22 2023. Hemp seems to be getting a big push in Ukraine going as far as legalisation of Medical Cannabis. I’m sure this has plenty to do with the current conflicts around the world. This story elaborates here. This is also a great article outlining where Canada is headed and the result of a mishandled decriminalisation process. I’m sure there’s no dispute that the Trudeau government has not handled it well, also adding that it should be a good learning point for Australia and its growing Cannabis Market. Plenty happening in Nimbin and the Northern Rivers for New Year, might be worth a trip if you’ve got no plans. The Nimbin Bush Theatre,is holding a Reggae and Dub night with Jamaican Jerk Curry,you can see the details here. Have a wonderful New Year, and be safe, the Moons sending the world into a crazy place, Thanks for Reading,#freetheweed #plurAUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALANDXM:Australia’s Vitura Health tumbles on loss of software license Yahoo Finance:Where Will Aurora Cannabis Be in 5 Years? The Big Smoke:Predictions for 2024 from the desk of Derryn HinchBENZINGA.COMClarion Clinics Received Ethics Board Endorsement For MDMA & Psilocybin Administration – Incannex Healthcare (NASDAQ:IXHL)NEWS.COM.AUASX-listed weed company goes bustWORLD NEWSNational Post:How the federal government has milked the cannabis business almost to death Madison:Portage could see hemp-based battery company, hundreds of jobs MG Magazine:DEA Places 6 Synthetic Cannabinoids on Schedule Hemp Gazette:Ukraine Medical Cannabis Legalisation Breakthrough Dallas Observer:Hemp Shops Are Being Raided by Police, Not Only in Texas, But Across the Country News Leader:Missouri lawmakers push for state oversight of unregulated ‘delta-8 THC’ hemp products Benzinga:Africa Is Keeping Up With Cannabis And More Global Weed Reform Efforts USA Today:Is pot legal now? Why marijuana is both legal and illegal in US, despite Biden pardons. Lancaster Farming:Hemp Meeting Hosts Hold Out Hope for Crop ArkTimes:From courtrooms to grow rooms, a big year for cannabis in Arkansas Yahoo Finance:CBD Dog Health Elevates Holistic Pet Education and Empowers Retailers NationwidePOLITICO.COMBroken promises: How marijuana legalization failed communities hit hardest by the drug warStates vowed that cannabis licenses would bring equity to places that suffered most in the drug war. Instead, most license holders are wealthy and white.MARIJUANAMOMENT.NETNew Legalization Laws, Marijuana Sales Records And The Other Top State Developments Of 2023 – Marijuana MomentEVENTSGarden States Microdose Webcast: Episode 24 Cubensis RisingHistory, diversity, ID info, safety & research updatesWednesday, 24 January 2024, 8:00pm Industrial Hemp Variety Trial Field Days 2024Hamilton, VICTuesday, 30 January 2024, 10am – 2pm ACannabis 2024Crown PromenadeTuesday 12th March and Wednesday 13th March 2024www.acannabis.com.au Australian Industrial Hemp ConferenceHunter Valley, NSW16 – 18 April 2024 Nimbin MardiGrass 2024Where else but Nimbin!3rd, 4th and 5th May The Hemp Hour on NimFM.orgFridays at 12pm – nimfm.orgDo you know of an event that we’ve missed? Let us know here: [email protected]YOUTUBE.COMGarden States Webcast – Cubensis Rising: History, diversity, ID info, safety & research update.Garden States Microdose Webcast – Episode 24 Cubensis Rising: History, diversity, ID info, safety & research updatesEGA is hosting a free Microdose webcast o…HEALTH, RESEARCH & EDUCATIONHEMPGAZETTE.COMCBD Tampons Are A Thing – Are They Effective?A recent small study suggests CBD-infused tampons could help women suffering from dysmenorrhea, but further research is needed.POLITICS, LAW & INDUSTRYInvestors Observer:Should You Buy Cronos Group Inc (CRON) Stock on Friday? KSTP:Minnesota still searching for new director of cannabis management ArtRocker:Hemp Beer Industry Growth Opportunities and Trends Analysis EcoBusiness:Sustainability innovations that made the headlines in 2023 Investors Observer:Cannabis Investors Are Focused On Top Canadian Marijuana Stocks Madison265:National Indigenous Cannabis Industry Association announces inaugural board of directors, seeks to create opportunities and equity in the cannabis industry for Indigenous people Express News:Snoop Dogg and San Antonio company roll out new CBD-infused drinksARTROCKER.TVHemp Seed Protein Market Is Going to Boom |Hemp Oil Canada, Navitas Organics, NOW Foods, North American Hemp & Grain, Ma – Artrocker HISTORY & CULTUREHIGHTIMES.COM5 Inspirational Women in CannabisFrom authors to business owners, these five women are leaders in the cannabis industry.METRO.CO.UKGroup of fake nuns sit around smoking weed and we’re just here for the picturesThe group of Mexican women call themselves the Sisters of the Valley.MGMAGAZINE.COMDispelling Common Misunderstandings about HempYou may have heard a thing or two about hemp in the news recently, but what is this “miracle plant” and whyCAMPAIGNS AND PETITIONSLEGALISECANNABIS.ORG.AUParliamentary petitions requesting Random Drug Testing (RDT) laws provide exemptions for THC prescribed by a doctor. – Legalise Cannabis Party Nimbin MardiGrass 2024 Golden Bud Pass WITH CAMPINGA$150.00 Nimbin MardiGrass 2024 Golden Bud Pass EVENT ONLYA$55.00The HEMP Embassy Headlines are a selection of recent articles from news and media services primarily concerning Cannabis issues, the consequences of prohibition and the challenges for law reform. If you have any suggestions or contributions you’d like to see here, please email us at [email protected]
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