Embassy HEADLINES Issue 304
Embassy HEADLINES Issue 304

Embassy HEADLINES Issue 304


Fugitive drug smuggler who lived in Australia under fake name jailed in US [The Guardian]

After lobbying from federal MP Warren Entsch, Australia’s immigration minister, Peter Dutton, indicated he could support Eidson’s wish to move back to Australia once he serves his US sentence.



Despite scare tactic, dogs will not be euthanized if pot is legal [The Hill]

The head of a police canine training academy in Illinois recently told the Bloomington Pantagraph that if the state goes forward with a marijuana-legalization bill, police would have to euthanize some of their less-social drug-sniffing dogs.

Majority of Texas Voters Support Legalizing Recreational Marijuana [Medical Marijuana Inc]

A new Quinnipiac University Poll reveals that nearly two-thirds of Texas voters support legalizing recreational marijuana. Sixty-one percent of the poll’s respondents said they are in favor of legalizing the possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use, compared to 34 percent of voters who said they are opposed.

Mayor and Some Prosecutors Move to Curb Marijuana Arrests [The New York Times]

The mayor said that the police would make plans within 30 days to reduce marijuana arrests, though he did not offer details.

Two District Attorneys May Stop Prosecuting Most Marijuana Offenses [The New York Times]

Officials said that Cyrus Vance Jr. in Manhattan and Eric Gonzalez in Brooklyn are considering pursuing fewer low-level cases of a law enforced disproportionately among minorities.

Surest Way to Face Marijuana Charges in New York: Be Black or Hispanic [The New York Times]

The police explanation that more black and Hispanic people are arrested on marijuana charges because complaints are high in their neighborhoods doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.

Researching medical marijuana for veterans faces more White House hurdles [MedicalXpress]

As scientists try to research the medical benefits of marijuana, a simple problem has emerged: How do you research marijuana if no one can produce it under federal law?

Skunk smell from marijuana crops driving Californians to distraction [Independent]

‘We don’t want a marijuana smell, we want fresh air’.

Congressional Black Caucus Pushes Major Marijuana Reforms [Marijuana Moment]

Leaders of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) introduced a 1,227-page bill on Thursday that calls for the removal of marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act—among many other far-reaching proposals—as part of an effort to foster racial justice and stimulate job growth in the United States.

How do you move mountains of unwanted weed? [The Guardian]

Oregon farmers have grown three times what their customers can smoke in a year, causing bud prices to plummet and panic to set in.




Let’s Nail the Home Office’s Latest Smokescreen About Medical Cannabis [clear]

This government prefers that people should continue in pain, suffering and disability than that they should do what science and medicine says is right.

Royal College of Nursing votes to decriminalise cannabis for medical use, adding to mounting pressure to change the law [Daily Mail]

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has voted to decriminalise cannabis for medical use.

MP Victoria Atkins accused of ‘hypocrisy’ over legal cannabis farm [BBC]

Drugs minister Victoria Atkins has been accused of “hypocrisy on a grand scale” over her husband’s involvement in a legal cannabis farm.

The UK Government’s Latest Excuse About Medicinal Cannabis Is Yet Another Deception [clear]

Nick Hurd MP, the Home Office minister, said again this week that as far as any consideration of cannabis for medical use is concerned, the government will “await the outcome” of the report on cannabis due from the WHO in 2019 “before considering the next steps”.

Medicinal cannabis: Where does Ireland stand? [The Irish Times]

Use of these forms of cannabis is very restricted despite moves to permit limited use.




FutureNeuro and GreenLight Medicines partner to develop treatments for epilepsy [EurekAlert!]

Novel cannabinoids could provide new therapy options for patients with drug-resistant epilepsy.

Frequent Marijuana Use Has No Adverse Effects on Brain Structure, Study Finds [Medical Marijuana Inc]

The frequent use of cannabis is not associated with changes in brain structure, according to a new study soon to be published in the scientific journal Addiction. As part of the study, 20 investigators from 13 institutions across Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom examined the relationship between frequent marijuana use and brain structure in 1,096 young adults and middle-aged men.

Cannabis use up among parents with children in the home [EurekAlert!]

Study finds combined use of cigarettes and marijuana may increase children’s exposure to second-hand smoke.

Too Much THC? Here are 8 Ways to Counteract a Too-Intense High [Medical Marijuana Inc]

If in the rare case you do consume too much THC, here are eight ways you can come down more quickly.

Many dispensaries in Colorado proffer marijuana for morning sickness [MedicalXpress]

More than two-thirds of Colorado cannabis dispensaries recommend cannabis products to treat nausea during the first trimester of pregnancy, according to a study published online May 7 in Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Study Finds Most Oncologists Have Discussed Medical Marijuana with Cancer Patients [Medical Marijuana Inc]

Data indicates that a large majority of oncologists have discussed the use of medical marijuana with patients, yet feel they lack ufficient knowledge about cannabis to advise them. Nearly half of oncologists in the United States have recently recommended medical marijuana to cancer patients, according to findings in a new study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Cannabis: how to cut down or stop using [Global Drug Survey]

For me the development of the Safer Using Limit guidelines is a natural follow up to the GDS Highway Code (HWC). Safer Using Limit guidelines was developed from data collected from 40,000 people who used cannabis and who took part in GDS2015.

Prenatal marijuana use can affect infant size, behavior, study finds [Science Daily]

Smoking during pregnancy has well-documented negative effects on birth weight in infants and is linked to several childhood health problems. Now, researchers have found that prenatal marijuana use also can have consequences on infants’ weight and can influence behavior problems, especially when combined with tobacco use.

Vapers and non-smokers have the same flourishing gut flora [Science Daily]

The first study of its kind has found that people who vape have the same mix of gut bacteria as non-smokers, whilst smokers have significant changes to their microbiome.


Adolescents Who View More Medical Marijuana Advertising Are More Likely to Use Marijuana, Have Positive Views About the Drug [Rand Corporation]

Adolescents who view more advertising for medical marijuana are more likely to use marijuana, express intentions to use the drug and have more-positive expectations about the substance, according to a new RAND Corporation study.

Drugs should be legalised, regulated, and taxed [the bmj]

Some numbers in this week’s journal bear reflection. The war on drugs costs each UK taxpayer an estimated £400 a year. The UK is now the world’s largest exporter of legal cannabis, yet recreational and medicinal use are criminalised.




Marijuana Users Don’t Mind Being Labeled Stoners And Potheads [Forbes]

There was once a time, decades ago, when being labeled a stoner or pothead was how a person knew they had gotten under the skin of authority.




Support Tony Bower’s Legal Fees [gofundme]

Tony of Mullaway’s Medical Cannabis has once again been arrested for growing his cannabis medicine! Tony makes cannabis tincture for children with epilepsy and countless others with cancer, chronic pain, ms and the list goes on. Tony Bower has dedicated his life to helping others and now needs your help. All Donations would be greatly appreciated.

Supporting Andrew Katelaris [gofundeme]

Andrew is behind bars again and may be there until the trial starts in November unless a Supreme Court appeal passes. Funds to date have gone to a legal team plus barrister. More recently a lawyer has been engaged to appear in court RE the current matter. 3 lawyers will now have visited Andrew in jail since the beginning of his first in Parklea and now in the Hunter Valley.

Help fathers medical cannabis legal battle for sick daughters [mycause]

We are hoping to be an example to show the Australian government that our laws need to change. If you want medical cannabis legalised we’re asking you to please donate to help us fight this battle.


Let’s get real about cannabis. The “war on drugs” has been lost. These days, millions of Australians choose to use cannabis and countries all around the world are changing their laws after realising prohibition does more harm than good. It’s high time we joined them and legalised it. That’s why I’m proud to announce today that the Greens are launching our national plan to legalise cannabis for adult use.



Medical Cannabis Webinar Series [BuddingTech]

The Medical Cannabis Council is hosting a national medical cannabis webinar series. The first two webinars will cover essential background information, including the Endocannabinoid System, pharmacology and pharmacokinetics. Then, leading specialists from around the world with experience treating patients with medical cannabis will cover efficacy data, treatment, dosage, and contraindications. These free, 30-minute webinars will come with 1 CPD point each, and will include a Q&A session with each presenter.

Multiple Sclerosis
23 May 2018

Decriminalisation of drug use in Portugal: An Evening with Manuel Cardoso [Unharm]

What happened when Portuguese police stopped arresting people for using drugs? Come find out, straight from the source. DR MANUEL CARDOSO runs the drug policy system that decriminalised drug use in Portugal 2001. On June 5, Unharm and Uniting team up to present this public event with Dr Cardoso, and you’re invited! *** Limited tickets available for the Sydney event – make sure you register to attend. Not in Sydney? You can also view the event live on Facebook Live – via the Unharm page***

DRUG WAR OVER! [Radio Documentary]

IF YOU WANT IT: When Phil Bromley moved from Sydney to one of Australia’s most famous and surprisingly largest tourism destinations, Nimbin he felt like he’d found home. Six years on, after observing and experiencing the
relentless police harassment and mainstream media victimization of his new hometown, Phil felt it was time to let the town tell their story in their own words. ‘Exposing The War On Drugs’ is an eight part radio documentary series that looks at how the war on drugs has affected Australia and the rest of the world. Broadcast around Australia on the Community Radio Network, from the 18th April and podcast at https://player.whooshkaa.com/shows/exposing-the-war-on-drugs . With the spotlight on Nimbin, Australia’s most famous “alternative” town, the team from NIM FM, (Nimbin’s local community radio station), explore drug prohibition, medicinal cannabis, addiction and Nimbin itself; and offer some solutions to the costly drug war that has raged since the early 1930s.

Entheogenesis Australis Shop Now Open [EGA]

Entheogenesis Australis (EGA) would like to thank the psychedelic community for it’s ongoing support and attendance at our recent Psychedelic Symposium. Since the event we’ve had a lot of inquiries about obtaining copies of the new EGA Journal 4 and other special merchandise. To browse, please feel free to head to the EGA Shop online or click on the items below. This is also your chance to pick up classic and new T-shirt designs. Please keep in mind much of the stock is very limited so don’t delay!

Nimbin Medican Workshops on YouTube [Hemp Embassy]

Thanks to Disco Sista for documenting the many medican workshops that the Embassy has hosted in Nimbin over the past 3 years. If you’ve missed these amazing gatherings, then you can still watch the speakers online.

Click on this link to head to Disco Sista’s Nimbin Medican YouTube Channel.

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