TGA Scheduling Committee – public consultation on CBD OPEN

By Published On: April 30, 2020Categories: Cannabis, Media Releases
The TGA have announced the period of public consultation to remove CBD from Schedule 4, and regulate it as a complementary medicine:

I am writing to ask that you write a one page letter to the TGA Scheduling Committee reiterating your support for an application to remove CBD from Schedule 4 to be regulated as a complementary medicine..  

The following section from the TGA website sets out how to make a submission and you must do so by 15 May 2020. You must include the TGA public submission cover-sheet also which is available from this link.

How to respond

Submissions must:

  • be relevant to the proposed amendment;
  • address matters mentioned in section 52E of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989;
  • submitted by the closing date of 15 May 2020 to .
  • Please include ‘Proposed Amendments to the Poisons Standard (Medicines/Chemicals)’ in the subject line of the email;
  • include whether or not you support the amendment/s; and
  • be accompanied by a completed TGA Consultation submission coversheet.

Submissions might also include:

  • Suggested improvements; and/or
  • An assessment of how the proposed change will impact on you. That is, what do you see as the likely benefits or costs to you (these may be financial or non-financial). If possible, please attempt to quantify these costs and benefits.
This is a CRITICAL period in the process and although you are probably all busy, your action is needed so could you please make a public submission before the due date? Also, if you have colleagues in the industry who are supportive, could you please encourage them to also make a submission. I can’t emphasise how important this is.
Thanks for being part of this.
Kind regards
Andrew Kavasilas
   Technical Director 
        Cann Global