PRESS RELEASE Thursday April 30 2020 From the Nimbin HEMP Embassy
“It smells nothing like the real thing but the virtual MardiGrass has some distinct advantages,” says Michael Balderstone, President of the MardiGrass Organising Body, the MOB. “There will be no roadblocks nor saliva testing which has severely dented our crowds the last few years. There will be no sniffer dogs either, no police in fact. And no mud, camping and parking dramas.”
Speakers are organised over the weekend in various zoom rooms and you can send in questions or join in live. Max Stone is steering the ship and anybody can go to, download the Discord app and join in now.
Speakers in various zoom rooms include Dr Pot Andrew Katelaris, Dr John Teh from PlantMed, a Medical Cannabis Clinic in Brisbane. David Shoebridge from the NSW Greens, Martin Ernegg will be speaking from his new hemp fusion workshop and John Jiggers from his comfy couch at home. You can send in Cannabis questions now of any kind, legal or illegal, medicinal or industrial, and they can be answered when the speakers are on, or you can ask them live.
“We always have a lot of international visitors at MardiGrass but online it will be truly global this year and we hope entries will come in from all over. Some lucky people in more enlightened areas of the planet can even send in virtual entries to the Cannabis Cup.”
Everyone is welcome to go to, register and send in entries to the Hemp Olympix joint rolling and bong throw events, Pot Poetry and Pot Art, the HEMP Fashion Parade, Weed Laughs and the MardiGrass Music Awards. There’s plenty of free tickets to the next real on the ground MardiGrass to be won.
This is the 25th consecutive year for Chibo, the HEMP Olympix torch bearer and he is determined to be in it as usual and jogging is allowed so that’s all good. We expect him to run through Nimbin at about 5 pm tomorrow, Friday May 1.
The HEMP Olympix with Sorrensen and Alan Glover will start at midday Saturday as tradition has it and anyone around the entire planet is invited to send in a film of their Growers Iron Person or Joint Rolling expertise. Either the Creative Roll with as many papers as you like in ten minutes, or the famous three papers and a filter old school Speed Roll.
The 420 Kombi Konvoy of usually over fifty Kombi’s is in trouble for this MardiGrass but there will be at least one for the famous Saturday 420.
Pot Poetry with Australia’s twice champion poet David Hallett is on and we’ll stick loosely with the usual program so that will be Sunday morning at 11.
For more info phone Michael 0266897525 or Max 0459120255 or ask on the site!

Michael Balderstone
President, Australian HEMP Party and Nimbin HEMP Embassy
51 Cullen Street
Nimbin NSW 2480
Phone: (02) 66 890326 Mobile 0472760236
https://australianhempparty. com/
President, Australian HEMP Party and Nimbin HEMP Embassy
51 Cullen Street
Nimbin NSW 2480
Phone: (02) 66 890326 Mobile 0472760236