By |2016-03-08T03:32:15+11:00March 2, 2016|Categories: Cannabis, Media Releases|

MEDIA RELEASE FEB 29 2016 NIMBIN MEDICAL CANNABIS WORKSHOP MARCH 12 Nimbin’s HEMP Embassy will hold another of it’s popular Medican Workshops, on Saturday March 12, from 11 am until 4.20 pm, with healthy hempseed food available at the Hall Cafe. “It’s the only workshop we’ll be organising before MardiGrass [...]

Roadside Saliva Drug Testing Advice

By |2016-02-29T08:45:24+11:00February 29, 2016|Categories: Cannabis, Drug Testing|

Roadside Saliva Testing: Defence of “honest and reasonable mistake of fact” It is an offence to drive with THC present in your saliva. Police can stop a driver for no particular reason and require them to provide a saliva sample. If there is any amount of THC found in the [...]


By |2017-09-26T00:45:05+10:00February 27, 2016|Categories: Cannabis, News|

Christmas Island cannabis trials closer after Senate approves new drug laws [ABC] Plans to set up a medicinal cannabis industry on Christmas Island have moved "a big step closer" after the Senate passed historic laws. The company behind the plans, Perth-based AusCann, is already readying itself for the business opportunities [...]

New Medical Cannabis Laws in Australia

By |2024-04-21T14:08:42+10:00February 27, 2016|Categories: News|

Cannabis laws clear Australian parliament [Yahoo News 7] On the one-year anniversary of medicinal cannabis campaigner Dan Haslam's death, parliament has passed laws allowing the cultivation of medicinal cannabis. Senators paid tribute to the tireless efforts of Mr Haslam's mother, Lucy, who was instrumental in campaigning for change after medicinal [...]

Medical Marijuana Hunger Strike in Victoria

By |2016-02-27T00:14:47+11:00February 27, 2016|Categories: Cannabis, News|

Heather Gladman and Liam Hotham are facing court on cultivation and possession of cannabis charges. Heather's on a hunger strike and calling for an amnesty for altruistic growers like her. Watch Heather's story on the Project on Ten  

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