Media Release  HEMP Embassy

Nimbins indefatigable HEMP Embassy leaves on a road trip to Canberra tomorrow on an Obama Appreciation Mission. “More than anyone President Obama has helped half of America have access to legal cannabis. His simple memo telling the Federal Police to leave the States alone with their marijuana laws changed millions of peoples lives and enabled the wider society to see for themselves what a win win it was for everyone,” says Michael Balderstone, HEMP Party and Embassy president.

Michael Lambert, his wife and daughter Katelyn will be joining the Embassy in Canberra on Thursday. Katelyn has had only one seizure this year because her dad simply grew her some plants. He says, “ It shouldn’t be a crime to be sick. It shouldn’t be a crime to help yourself with low cost and safe home grown cannabis. I am being prosecuted for having a sick daughter who needs cannabis everyday. Where’s the health minister Sussan Ley when we need her? She’s protecting alcohol companies who kill 15 Australians everyday.”

Balderstone says, “We’re encouraged by the Greens new attitude to the drug war and Richard di Natale is correct, it’s a conversation we need to have. The all powerful big pharma lobby group are running the drug war and costing the government a fortune in the process.”

“Ironically, just as the government is finally recognising the sensational medicinal qualities in the cannabis plant it’s never been harder for regular long term users who are being enthusiastically hunted by police with modern technology like saliva testing and now hidden cameras in our village of Nimbin. Good people have been coming to buy their medicine In Nimbin for decades. It’s hard not to think we are being picked on because cannabis users don’t fight back and are easy targets!”

“We need the politicians who promised to support medical cannabis to ask for interim measures which can take us off the police radar while the government works out what to do. The pharmaceutical industry and the police should not be a part of this decision making as they have totally vested interests with both of them afraid of losing a lot of work.”

For more info contact Nimbin HEMP Embassy 0266890326 or on the road  0472760236 or 0459120255

Below is a letter received at the Embassy this week which spells out perfectly the needless suffering the laws are causing.

Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Danielle Simpson and I am writing to you
regarding my son Christopher Simpson. I just wanted to let you know of
another story regarding medicinal marijuana.
I have a serious chronic pancreatic condition which is very painful to me.
My son learnt how to make medicinal marijuana (in the oil form) at home to
give to me for my condition and two friends of his who have cancer. The
difference it made on managing my pain, to weight gain and simple daily
things was so much better, it was truly amazing. My family and friends are
so happy with the change in me.
Unfortunately he was visited by the police and was arrested. He is still in
jail at Arthur Corrie Correctional centre here in Qld and has been since
March this year. The police were quite mean and spiteful to him despite him
telling them the reasons for doing this. The making of it was not dangerous
in any way but they are coming down quite hard on him.
We have a lawyer through legal aid, and as much as I respect their
profession, he is very unenthusiastic and negative. We are still awaiting
the court case.
Chris is 37 years old and in jail for greatly helping his mother. It is such
a sad and unhappy time for me and all his family.
My doctor of 20 years is putting me on the medicinal marijuana program when
it comes through in March next year.
I just wanted to let you know about a great son who is in a hell hole
because of helping me. If there is any advice you could give me, my phone
number is enclosed. I have great respect and admiration for your party.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my letter. Yours sincerely,
Danielle Simpson
I called Danielle who told me Legal Aid never answers her messages and there is no hearing date set yet. They said her son will probably get a couple of years in jail. The police searched her place soon after her sons arrest, took a small amount of medicine from her fridge and charged her. She was fined $100 by an apologetic judge. She visits her son every weekend and talks to him everyday on the phone. She said it was fine to send out her letter and any media who would like to contact her direct please get in touch with her on 0415280747.

For more info contact Nimbin HEMP Embassy 0266890326 and for more on the Big Joints adventures www.bigjoint.org


Michael Balderstone
President, Australian HEMP Party
President, Nimbin HEMP Embassy

51 Cullen Street
Nimbin NSW 2480
Phone: (02) 66 89 0326

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