Legalise Cannabis NSW also gets rego
Legalise Cannabis NSW also gets rego

Legalise Cannabis NSW also gets rego

MEDIA RELEASE Monday January 24 2022


NSW has become the third state to register a state based Legalise Cannabis Party after Qld and WA. South Australia will be hot on NSW’s heals with their registration pending; and Victorian member numbers are building steadily. 
The people of Australia are embracing the legalise cannabis message, especially since medical cannabis is proving to be popular as a safe and effective (if not grossly overpriced) way to relieve suffering. 
More and more people are seeing that criminalising people for using a plant for relaxation or self supply for medical use is the real crime.  Aussies want cannabis to be more affordable and accessible.
That message was clear in the last Household Drug Survey, when for the first time ever, more people in Australia wanted it legal than did not. But the people are not being listened to. The Legalise Cannabis Parties want to change that!
Gail Hester, the NSW Party secretary, who worked closely with the formation and registering of the Qld and WA branches says, “Now, its my home state’s turn and I’m excited about getting into some solid awareness raising, ahead of the 2023 election”.
“With registration behind us, over the next few months we in NSW are looking forward to hearing from prospective candidates and volunteers who want to be part of this historic journey,” she said.
Not to be outdone, the federal arm, the Legalise Cannabis Australia Party (LCA), formerly the HEMP party and recently re registered, easily met the requirement  of 1500 members for minor parties to maintain their federal rego.
President Michael Balderstone says, “There is a lot of frustration and anger about the driving laws which should be about impairment but aren’t. That, and the fact we are still not allowed to grow our own medicine is driving our growing membership I think.”
The LCA are getting ready to roll with their campaign and have some amazing people nominating. 
“We are still keen to hear from more prospective candidates,” he said, “and we need donations of course to fund the campaign as we intend to field candidates in some key lower house seats and a full contingent for the Senate.”
You can join State and Federal LC Party’s and find instructions for prospective candidates and how to donate on 
 For further info contact Gail on 0412893387 or Michael on 0472760236

Michael Balderstone
President, Nimbin HEMP EmbassyLegalise Cannabis Australia (Formerly Australian HEMP Party) & Nimbin MardiGrass
51 Cullen Street
Nimbin NSW 2480
Phone: (02) 66890326 or 0472 760236

“The war on drugs seems to be all about who gets to profit from our pain relief, a truly sick business.”

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