Embassy HEADLINES Issue 503
Embassy HEADLINES Issue 503

Embassy HEADLINES Issue 503


Due to the recent floods in the Northern Rivers, and the widespread damage to roads and infrastructure, the 30th MardiGrass Protestival will be postponed until 16-18 September 2022.

Fundraiser: ‘End Evidence-Free RDT’ Whole Bus Ad For NSW


Price warning as pot producers prepare over-the-counter CBD products for 2023

Cannabis advocate causes stir with domain name campaign

‘It’s not legal in Australia’: TGA boss pulls no punches on delta-8 THC


Canada proposes hike in purchase limit for cannabis drinks, but low THC cap to remain

Illegal drugs should be decriminalized, Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council members say

New Hampshire Lawmakers Approve State-Run Marijuana Legalization Bill With Amendments

Pennsylvania Senator Pushing For Hemp In Animal Feed

Black and Hispanic Cannabis Entrepreneurs In Oakland Are Facing A Harsh Reality After Years Of Promises

Arkansas medical marijuana sales surpass $21 million in February

South Dakota Governor Signs Handful of Medical Cannabis Bills

Utah bans smokable hemp and CBD in food

Washington Dispensary Worker Fatally Shot During Robbery

Maryland Lawmakers Approve Millions In Funding To Implement Marijuana Legalization If Reform Is Enacted


International hemp federation announces interim board, and an ambitious mission

Rwanda Begins Cannabis Production

Hemp called ‘golden opportunity’ for Peru, but progress is lacking

Zambian Reserve Army Annexes Land For Cannabis Plantations

Australian GPs opposed to OTC medicinal cannabis but most agree it’s safer than opioids

USA: Federal Bill Would Instruct UN to Deschedule Cannabis

UK police are arresting cannabis patients with legal prescriptions

Melbourne LGA to conduct feasibility study into setting up a medicinal cannabis business

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