By Published On: March 10, 2025Categories: Hemp HeadlinesTags:

High Headliners!

Waiting for Alfred (the cyclone) to arrive, there’s not much we can do about the garden, it’s up to the gods now. I live in a sheltered corner of the Tweed Valley, surrounded by big trees. We won’t flood but the wind is another matter.

I imagine that ‘Cyclone Donald’ has got ‘weed world’ in suspense a bit, over there. This week he was on about the death penalty for drug dealers and I know, or at least think and hope, he was talking about fentanyl. It annoys me big time, the way the police especially, but others as well, just say drugs, rather than name which substance. Is it meth or weed? There’s a huge difference! Frighteningly not for some though, who think the war on drugs is simply anything illegal and they’re all in the same basket. Dumb and dumber.

I love that Donald wants to end wars, and wonder if that includes the drug war? Just legalise and regulate it all? I think he sees it all through a businessman’s eye’s so he might work out a way to make a deal which can save a fortune in expensive jails and policing while making a fortune in tax.

At home, our very own Jeremy ‘Joe Bogan’ Buckingham is making a splash with his “Into the Weeds” podcasts, as well as leading a terrific Legalise Cannabis Party float at the tail of Sydney's Mardi Gras parade last Saturday night. I’d love that giant leaf in the MardiGrass parade in a couple of months! Our meetings to organise the HEMP Embassy’s annual gathering and protestival, on the first weekend in May, are held every Friday from 4.20pm in the HEMP Bar and everyone is welcome.

Michael Balderstone

Nimbin HEMP Embassy Head

Contact Your Legalise Cannabis MPs

If you have an issue in your state, don’t hesitate to contact your LC Party parliamentarian:

Jeremy in New South Wales, David or Rachel in Victoria, or Brian in Western Australia

(Don’t forget to JOIN the Party, it’s free and sends a loud message—we are growing)!