New South Wales
Jeremy Buckingham has been putting his ‘free’ time to very good use with his outstanding podcast series, “Into The Weeds”. Last week we featured Episode 1 with Alex Zammit of CrazeCo and this week we’re featuring two more episodes. Episode 2 with Glenno Smith, Western Sydney artist extraordinaire, and Episode 3 with LCVic’s own Rachel Payne! Tune in online for much, much more from LCNSW’s on-air MP! (videos near the end of newsletter).
Western Australia
Legalise Cannabis Party Western Australia held a highly successful Economic Forum, ‘Cannabis for Health. Hemp for Wealth’ in the leadup to their 8 March State Election which was a follow-up to their South West Tour, also a huge success, visiting Bunbury, Margaret River and Denmark. Also see Dr Brian Walker’s interview with pharmacist and state election candidate Paul Mavor (video near the end of newsletter).