We measured 625 mm of rain at home in the last week, but the gauge was overflowing once! It feels like we dodged the worst of Alfred which largely happened north of us, and no trees fell on the house, not even close, thank heavens. Lots of trees broken though, and unripe citrus covering the ground is very painful. The chooks moved into the house almost but the mould, the dreaded mould! Don’t worry about the choppers, the mould is much more difficult for Nimbin forest dwellers.
Great news! Dr Brian Walker looks like being re-elected for Legalise Cannabis in WA at the weekend and the ABC is reporting he may have a little power on the crossbench this time. We thought Albo would announce the Federal Election date this week, but the Cyclone got in the way, so it could easily be on 3rd May now, MardiGrass Saturday. I've written Albo, reminding him of the important clash!
We’re expecting new people this year at MardiGrass as more and more discover ‘legal weed’ and want to know about the potential of the plant. Especially older citizens, often retired, with insomnia being a big issue. The Tibetans I hung out with in the Himalayas called cannabis ‘sleeping medicine’. How’s the irony of so many people discovering pot now, via a tele-health doctor, after hearing stories from friends of how well it’s working for them? The plant itself was always the real guru, spreading the word.
Interesting stories below from Canada, where cannabis use is replacing alcohol for some of the population, and a survey has Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s role in legalising cannabis nationwide as his most popular achievement. I just know it will be like that here, when it eventually happens.
Michael Balderstone
Nimbin HEMP Embassy Head
Fun Fact!
By weight, hemp seeds provide similar amounts of protein as beef and lamb: 30 grams of hemp seeds, or two to three tablespoons, provide about 11 grams of protein.
Jeremy asks NSW Premier Chris Minns: “Has his government received any reports of widespread lawlessness, social collapse, or other reefer madness nonsense since the ACT legalised personal cannabis use? Or has life just… gone on as normal? If the sky hasn’t fallen in the ACT, why is NSW still stuck in the past?”
Jeremy also gets “Into The Weeds” with Episodes 9 and 10 featuring renowned criminologist and forensic anthropologist Dr Xanthé Mallett,and John Macgowan, Australian political consultant, strategist and campaign expert (respectively).
The President of LCQ and other members, in the south of the state, were marooned (for a few days) in their own homes in the wake of Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
MP Rachel Payne is a member of the Legal and Social Issues Committee holding the inquiry into the merits of the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Regulation of Personal Adult Use of Cannabis) Bill 2023.
“The Committee will release its report on the bill review on 18 March, and could recommend that the law be changed to allow personal possession. The Allan Government should respond to any recommendations promptly”, said Rachel.
LCWA sends out a big thank you to all 42 candidates, the most Lower House candidates (34) for any Legalise Cannabis Party so far, and all their campaign volunteers. Their combined efforts helped in getting the Hon. Dr Brian Walker re-elected to the Upper House and on track to improve the Party vote share from the 2021 State Election. See the Legislative Council results here.
Port Macquarie By-Election!
LCNSW Party, well-represented by Megan Mathew, will gladly accept any and all help for the upcoming by-election, THIS Saturday, 15 March. Volunteers at polling booths mean more votes for LCNSW (voters that make up their mind at the last minute)!
Volunteering is fun and you are encouraged to become a part of the history of the end of the criminalisation of Cannabis sativa! YOU can
help make the change you want to see!
Contact Your Legalise Cannabis MPs
If you have an issue in your state, don’t hesitate to contact your LC Party parliamentarian:
87% of Australians want Parliament to pass truth in political advertising laws. SA has had such laws since the 1980s and the ACT recently legislated similar laws. Over 11,000 have signed, will you add your signature?
The campaign, by the Penington Institute, asks the Victorian community to ‘Take the cannabis test’—a five-question online quiz designed to encourage the community to think about how cannabis can be safely regulated.
Proceeding for people unlawfully searched by NSW Police at all music festivals in NSW since 22 July 2016. Slater and Gordon Lawyers and Redfern Legal Centre. Register here.
Since 2013, the Northern Rivers Rail Trail Supporters, community volunteers, local councillors, staff and the tourist industry, had a vision to preserve and revitalise 130km of disused rail corridor between Murwillumbah and Casino, converting it to a world class car-free corridor through the region’s spectacular landscapes. Ensuring you have the wheels to explore the trail at your own pace, hire a bicycle here. Above image is of the Dunbible Creek Truss Bridge.
The easy place to check what market is on! The Market Guide lists all monthly markets and the weekly farmers markets from around the Northern Rivers and the NSW North Coast.
Find out what’s on in Lismore, Nimbin and Villages. Featuring key events, tours and activities, entertainment, local attractions, markets and much more.
See what’s on in Byron Bay to Murwillumbah, Nimbin to Lennox Head, Kingscliff to Mullum., Tweed to Bangalow, Ballina to Coolangatta, Lismore and beyond. Echonet daily Gig Guide—local pubs, clubs, venues, DJs, bands covered!
Regional Touring Guide
Explore the beautiful Northern Rivers Region with this Tourist Drive brochure. Tourist Drives 24 and 32 stretch from Murwillumbah in the north, to Woodburn in the south, through lush countryside and some of the region’s most amazing natural wonders, charming historic villages and mouth-watering restaurants, cafes and local producers.
The seventh edition of Echonet’s digital guide to the Northern Rivers region is available now. There is so much diversity at your fingertips—beaches to hinterland, local produce to jazz afternoons—there are just so many options to explore and experience.
The HEMP Embassy Headlines are a selection of recent articles from news and media services primarily concerning cannabis, the consequences of prohibition and challenges for law reform. If you have any suggestions or contributions please email [email protected]
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Nimbin HEMP Embassy, 51 Cullen St, Nimbin NSW 2480, Australia