Still got some branches from Alfred to cut up, but after a few sunny days, it’s all just a memory as the country dries out quickly. We all expected the Election to be called for 12 April, but now it’s quite likely to be on the MardiGrass weekend, Saturday 3 May. Oh well.
King Charles is the same age as I am, and I’ve tracked him my whole life. There’s a story below about him using medical cannabis for his cancer. He’s always been into organics, herbs and homeopathy, and I like to think he had a toke in his year at Timbertop.
I’ve spoken with hundreds of people treating their cancer with cannabis over the last twenty years. Some have clearly kept themselves alive and shocked their doctors. Other factors are important, like diet, exercise and attitude, but the more cannabinoids you have coursing through your blood the better, it seems. You don’t have to be stoned, it can be unheated, it can be CBD. Lately I hear of people using less chemo and more cannabis but both are valid and can complement each other, I think.
I don’t want you to get your expectations up, but Rachel and David our MP’s in Victoria, are giving it a red hot go at getting some change though this year and I believe their hard work and effort at getting to know their fellow parliamentarians might just pay off. Something has to give soon, a crack in the wall, soon, please!
Michael Balderstone
Nimbin HEMP Embassy Head
Fun Fact!
Hemp seed oil, in addition to its dietary use, can be used directly in diesel engines, but can also be processed into biodiesel.
Episodes 11 and 12 of Jeremy’s podcast, “Into The Weeds” feature Suzette Luyken, passionate advocate, candidate and the driving force behind LCQ and Rose Jackson MLC, key figure in the NSW Labor Government, Minister for Water, Housing, and Homelessness(respectively).
Port Macquarie By-Election!
With vote counting going down to the wire, LCNSW Party candidate, Megan Mathew, has achieved just over 7% of the First Preference Vote! One in ten Australians in Port Macquarie voted for legalising cannabis! Bring on the Federal Election!
LCQ Party announced their current President, Melody Lindsay, will run as the second Senate candidate for Queensland in the upcoming Federal Election alongside Belinda Jones, Queensland’s lead Senate candidate, making a formidable team for the Sunshine State!
The Legal and Social Issues Committee handed down their recommendations regarding the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Regulation of Personal Adult Use of Cannabis) Bill 2023. And guess what? They recommend following the ACT’s lead and decriminalising cannabis possession, as a first step!
LCWA are pleased (and relieved) that Dr Brian Walker was re-elected to the WA Upper House. He will sit among a broader crossbench and here’s hoping this may engender change to laws constraining cannabis and hemp across WA!
Contact Your Legalise Cannabis MPs
If you have an issue in your state, don’t hesitate to contact your LC Party parliamentarian:
87% of Australians want Parliament to pass truth in political advertising laws. SA has had such laws since the 1980s and the ACT recently legislated similar laws. Over 11,000 have signed, will you add your signature?
The campaign, by the Penington Institute, asks the Victorian community to ‘Take the cannabis test’—a five-question online quiz designed to encourage the community to think about how cannabis can be safely regulated.
Proceeding for people unlawfully searched by NSW Police at all music festivals in NSW since 22 July 2016. Slater and Gordon Lawyers and Redfern Legal Centre. Register here.
Since 2013, the Northern Rivers Rail Trail Supporters, community volunteers, local councillors, staff and the tourist industry, had a vision to preserve and revitalise 130km of disused rail corridor between Murwillumbah and Casino, converting it to a world class car-free corridor through the region’s spectacular landscapes. Ensuring you have the wheels to explore the trail at your own pace, hire a bicycle here. Above image is a rail bridge near Eltham, by Rosie Kew.
The easy place to check what market is on! The Market Guide lists all monthly markets and the weekly farmers markets from around the Northern Rivers and the NSW North Coast.
Find out what’s on in Lismore, Nimbin and Villages. Featuring key events, tours and activities, entertainment, local attractions, markets and much more.
See what’s on from Byron Bay to Murwillumbah, Nimbin to Lennox Head, Kingscliff to Mullum., Tweed to Bangalow, Ballina to Coolangatta, Lismore and beyond. Echonet daily Gig Guide—local pubs, clubs, venues, DJs, bands covered!
Regional Touring Guide
Explore the beautiful Northern Rivers Region with this Tourist Drive brochure. Tourist Drives 24 and 32 stretch from Murwillumbah in the north, to Woodburn in the south, through lush countryside and some of the region’s most amazing natural wonders, charming historic villages and mouth-watering restaurants, cafes and local producers.
The seventh edition of Echonet’s digital guide to the Northern Rivers region is available now. There is so much diversity at your fingertips—beaches to hinterland, local produce to jazz afternoons—there are just so many options to explore and experience.
Join me as I get Into the Weeds with Suzette Luyken, a passionate cannabis advocate, political candidate, and driving force behind the Legalise Cannabis Quee…
Join me as I jump Into the Weeds with Rose Jackson MLC, a key figure in the NSW Labor Government and Minister for Water, Housing, and Homelessness. As a risi…
MardiGrass is calling for drug free drivers to help locals and visitors during MardiGrass travel safely to and from their accommodation and Nimbin.
If you’re not yet a fully licensed and insured Point to Point [PTP] driver, but are interested in joining the crew as a driver in your own vehicle, contact Steve 0400 615 288 and he will guide you through the steps:
1. to become an authorised PTP driver
2. to ensure your vehicle can be used for PTP
3. and enable you to conduct PTP jobs via Nimbin Limousine PTP’s authorised provider licence.
The HEMP Embassy Headlines are a selection of recent articles from news and media services primarily concerning cannabis, the consequences of prohibition and challenges for law reform. If you have any suggestions or contributions please email [email protected]
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