Media Releases

Chris Fowlie of NZ NORML about the NZ referendum

By |2020-06-01T03:44:04+10:00June 1, 2020|Categories: Cannabis, Media Releases|

Wednesday 27th of May, 2020 Byron Bay FM interviews Chris Fowlie of NZ NORML about the NZ referendum In September 2020, a referendum is due to be held alongside New Zealand's general election, in which voters will decide whether to legalise cannabis. Chris Fowlie of cannabis lobby group NZ NORML [...]

Bill rammed thru parliament to facilitate export of medical cannabis while Aussie patients continue to suffer, unable to afford imported products …

By |2020-05-14T09:49:15+10:00May 14, 2020|Categories: Cannabis, Media Releases|

MCUA PRESS RELEASE 14/5/20: Bill rammed thru parliament to facilitate export of medical cannabis while Aussie patients continue to suffer, unable to afford imported products ... Patients in Australia needing access to medical cannabis have been slapped in the face yet again by this corporate friendly LNP govt who cares [...]

Queensland’s prison crisis: Some modest proposals

By |2020-05-05T04:18:29+10:00May 5, 2020|Categories: Cannabis, Media Releases|

Queensland’s prison crisis: Some modest proposals (part one) © Dr John Jiiggens 2020 Queensland’s prison population is growing rapidly. The most recent figures show that in the years between 2012 and 2018 the annual rate of imprisonment per hundred thousand in Queensland rose by almost 50%.   Housing the growing prison population has stretched Corrective Services resources to breaking point. Prisons [...]


By |2020-04-30T07:27:14+10:00April 30, 2020|Categories: Events, Media Releases|

PRESS RELEASE Thursday April 30 2020 From the Nimbin HEMP Embassy Virtual Mardigrass 2020....NO ROADBLOCKS, SALIVA TESTING OR SNIFFER DOGS! VIRTUALMARDIGRASS.COM "It smells nothing like the real thing but the virtual MardiGrass has some distinct advantages," says Michael Balderstone, President of the MardiGrass Organising Body, the MOB. "There will be [...]

TGA Scheduling Committee – public consultation on CBD OPEN

By |2020-04-30T07:59:29+10:00April 30, 2020|Categories: Cannabis, Media Releases|

The TGA have announced the period of public consultation to remove CBD from Schedule 4, and regulate it as a complementary medicine: I am writing to ask that you write a one page letter to the TGA Scheduling Committee reiterating your support for an application to remove CBD [...]

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