Embassy HEADLINES Issue 413
Embassy HEADLINES Issue 413

Embassy HEADLINES Issue 413


NZ Govt roadside drug testing shock: the proposed rules are actually pretty good!

From 2021, if a driver is stopped they can be asked to do an oral swab. If they test positive they will be stopped from driving for 12 hours. If they then also fail the existing touch-your-nose impairment test they can be prosecuted, just like now. But the threshold for any evidential blood sample will be set at a level of impairment equating to the alcohol limit – which is a huge improvement on the current permissible level of zero, and what we advocated for.

Drug driving laws so ‘grossly unfair’ I can’t apply them, says magistrate after a tenure affected by trauma and threats

“I just thought the laws were so grossly unfair that I didn’t feel that I could continue to apply them,” Mr Heilpern says.

Only 2.7% of Medical Cannabis Users Access Cannabis Legally

In total, the survey was conducted on 1,388 Australians. Of this group, researchers found that just 2.7% of participants were accessing cannabis legally. The remainder sourced it from dealers, friends, and family or by growing it themselves.

Australia Might Be The World’s Fastest Growing Medicinal Cannabis Market

Get ready for a pot party, as Australia might be the next cannabis growth capital of the world. At least, that’s according to Canadian company, Compass Cannabis.

TGA to review complaints of alleged non-compliant advertising of medicinal cannabis products to the public

The TGA has written to a number of entities in relation to non-compliance with the law with instruction to cease unlawful behaviour. The majority of respondents have brought themselves into compliance. For those that have not, we are considering appropriate action.

Our soldiers and others with PTSD deserve our help, please sign this petition to show your support.

How Australians use medical cannabis since legislation: new survey

Australians report using medicinal cannabis for chronic pain, mental health and sleep with the majority sourcing cannabis illicitly, despite medicinal cannabis being legal, a new survey from the University of Sydney has revealed.

New Australian law looks to boost cannabis exports after COVID-19 threat passes

Australia has amended pertinent laws in an effort to put its medical marijuana and hemp exporters in a position to “come out firing” after the COVID-19 crisis eases, the country’s agriculture minister said. The Export Control Legislation Amendment (Certification of Narcotic Exports) Bill 2020 was approved in the House of Representatives on June 10 and in the Senate on June 17.  Agriculture Minister David Littleproud said the bill broadens current legislation to allow for certification of medical marijuana and hemp exports.

NZ scientists excited by the promise of hemp crops

We soon got used to cooking and eating exotic proteins and grains like chickpeas, couscous and quinoa. Now, attention has turned to hemp in the search for other productive, environmentally friendly food crops.

EGA presents Garden States Microdose – free livestream

Sunday 5th July from 11 am- 6:30 pm AEST on EGA youtube channel Entheo TV (subscribe now). Keynote guest Dennis McKenna.


Police Would Have To Prove ‘Actual Impairment’ In Medical Marijuana DUIs Under New Pennsylvania Bill

Every time a medical marijuana patient gets behind the wheel of a car in Pennsylvania, they face risk of arrest and imprisonment, even if they’re completely sober and fine to drive. Under current state law, any trace of THC or its metabolites in their blood can be charged as driving under the influence (DUI). But a new bill introduced this week would change that by exempting legal medical cannabis use from the state’s law against DUI. Under the proposal, police would have to demonstrate that a state-licensed patient was actually impaired on the road rather than simply provide evidence of past use.

Georgia lawmakers approve licensing fees for growing, transporting hemp

State lawmakers approved legislation that would require a license for possessing hemp, whether it’s cultivating, transporting, or selling the plant. Licenses wouldn’t be required to possess finished hemp products.

Oklahoma Medical Cannabis Companies Sue State Over Residency Requirements

Several medical cannabis companies in Oklahoma are suing the state over its industry residency requirements and rules requiring the businesses be 1,000 feet from schools, the Oklahoman reports.

L.A. proposes overhaul of ailing legal marijuana market, including social-equity programs

A Los Angeles City Council committee Tuesday approved a series of changes to reset the city’s troubled legal marijuana market, including bolstering programs intended to help operators who suffered during the nation’s long-running war on drugs.

Nevada governor pardons thousands of past cannabis convictions

“The people of Nevada have decided that possession of small amounts of marijuana is not a crime,” Sisolak said. “This resolution will clear the slate for thousands of people who bear the stigma of a conviction for actions that have now been decriminalized.”

Cannabis is now a major cash crop in Canada

StatsCan has reported that cannabis accounted for about $2.3 billion in farm cash receipts in 2019, up from $564 million the prior year. Cannabis farm receipts are now about one-quarter of what farmers receive for canola – the country’s largest cash crop.

Unregulated Cannabis Outperforming Legal Market in British Columbia

Unlicensed cannabis producers in British Columbia earned about $1.24 billion last year, while licensed B.C. companies earned just $765 million.

Ontario cannabis market surpasses 100 retail store authorizations

It is an important milestone for a province that has lagged other jurisdictions in store openings since cannabis was legalized in late 2018. Alberta remains the leader with 483 cannabis providers, though that market is showing signs of retail saturation.


Cannabis Distribution Scheme Guidelines Approved in Switzerland

Switzerland’s National Council has announced its agreement with guidelines set out for a study of a recreational cannabis distribution scheme. The scheme will aim to assess the potential effects of a system of controlled recreational cannabis use in the country. 

Can Greece Leverage Medical Cannabis to Save Its Ailing Economy?

Greece legalized medicinal cannabis in 2017, following it up in 2018 with repealing the ban set in place on cultivating cannabis and allowing the production and exportation of cannabis products. As per European law, all cultivation and production must be for plants with less than .2% THC.

British Virgin Island projected to make a yearly minimum of $30M in marijuana exports

Premier Fahie gave that indication in the House of Assembly on Monday, June 22, while responding to public criticism that government “wants to make everybody high” from the drug. But Premier Fahie informed the House that the BVI only plans to harvest the non-psychoactive properties of the plant.

Xi Jinping urges ‘consistent, resolute’ effort to win war on drugs

Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Tuesday that China must contain drug-related problems and win the war on drugs with consistent and resolute effort to safeguard people’s life and health security as well as social stability.

UK down-schedules CBD drug [only one] to lowest level for controlled drugs

The United Kingdom has down-scheduled Epidyolex to the lowest level of control for drugs, greatly easing restrictions on the cannabidiol medicine and reducing red tape for companies that supply it. Epidyolex is the trade name in Europe for Epidiolex.

‘Dr Pot’ stashes away a cannabis fortune with some NHS help: Pharma boss earns £5.8m as drug for epilepsy is approved for use in UK

[And the owner of Epidyolex is GW Pharmaceuticals] A cannabis tycoon dubbed ‘Dr Pot’ and his business partner earned £13million last year as their company’s medicinal drugs were approved for use by the NHS. Dr Geoffrey Guy, who earned the nickname after founding Cambridge-based GW Pharmaceuticals in 1998, made £5.8million in 2019 as the company’s chairman. GW’s chief executive Justin Gover pocketed an eye-watering £7.2million last year.

How to prescribe medical cannabis

What UK doctors need to know.

Switzerland releases details on recreational marijuana experiment, but full legalization likely years away

The lower house of Switzerland’s Federal Assembly approved a bill paving the way for a pilot research program that would permit the temporary production and distribution of cannabis to adults for recreational purposes.

Is Croatia Trying to Legalize Recreational Cannabis?

Like many EU countries, Croatia has been slowly changing its laws to allow for greater legal (or at least decriminalized) cannabis use. However, earlier this year, some in Croatia’s government got a bit impatient, attempting to jump steps in order to legalize recreational cannabis.


Medical Cannabis Patients Report Improved Quality of Life

Medical cannabis patients experience an increase in various measures of life quality, according to a recent cross-sectional study published in the Cannabis and Cannabinoids Research journal. The study assessed web-based survey responses from over 1200 participants in the USA between April 2016 and February 2018.

Topicals: The Real Gateway Drug for Senior Citizens

More and more seniors are coming to cannabis for the first time via topicals, perhaps most often to treat arthritis.

U.S. Fed report urges doctors to treat cannabis users as drug addicts

The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommended that primary care doctors screen their patients for unhealthy drug use. Cannabis use is included in the definition of “unhealthy drugs.” Tobacco and alcohol are not. If that seems insane to you, that’s because you are the operator of a functional brain.

The Most Effective Cannabis Growing Technologies of 2020

To grow, sell, and distribute the best products, manufacturers use lots of modern technologies. It doesn’t only help them to stay competitive in today’s market, but it also helps to optimize the production process.

Notes From The Cutting Edge: Israeli Researcher Dedi Meiri On Cannabis, Alzheimer’s And Dementia

On top of what is already known and treated… pain, sleep, epilepsy, anxiety and these kinds of things, I think that one of the things that is still not being treated with cannabis … and I really, really believe in it, and in my lab I have phenomenal results, is dementia and Alzheimer’s.


U.S. Attorney General Wasted Resources To Investigate Marijuana Mergers Due To Personal Bias, Official Alleges

Attorney General William Barr’s personal opposition to marijuana led him to direct improper antitrust investigations into multiple cannabis company mergers—accounting for nearly one-third of the division’s cases in 2019.

Cannabis black market still thriving 18 months after legalization

This is one of several illegal cannabis stores still operating in Vancouver more than 18 months after marijuana was legalized in Canada. And even though provincial regulators seized products at King Canna on May 27, it remained open for business this week. The stores aren’t the only sign that black market cannabis is still a hot commodity in B.C. Dozens of websites sell a variety of cannabis products offering to deliver in an hour or less — even though door-to-door pot delivery is illegal in Canada. Other websites offer to mail products to customers despite not having the legal authority to do so.

$500M lawsuit accuses cannabis producers of distributing product with incorrect THC and CBD levels

A class-action lawsuit filed in Calgary, Canada, against cannabis companies claims the THC and CBD levels in their medicinal and recreational cannabis products differed from what was represented on packaging.

Calls to Defund Police Activity Reach the Cannabis Industry

Cannabis culture, and now the industry, has largely been molded by law enforcement . . . Law enforcement has created a culture of discretion among cannabis users. Even still, with legalization, many still seem wary about consuming around others or being fully transparent about their use. This seems directly linked to a culture of fear perpetuated by government agencies for the better part of a century.


10 Cannabis Books To Stock In Your Highbrary

10 excellent recommendations for bud-loving bookworms.

Marijuana Use Is More Moral Than Porn, Gay Relations and Wearing Animal Fur, Americans Say

Seven-out-of-ten respondents said using cannabis is morally acceptable. Only 28 percent said the activity is morally unacceptable.

6 LGBTQ Movers & Shakers in the Cannabis Industry

The legal cannabis market is being constructed and furnished right before our very eyes — why wouldn’t it be diverse and accepting and progressive? After all, given the medical marijuana movements close ties to the AIDS crisis (shout out to medical marijuana pioneers Dennis Peron and Brownie Mary!). But unfortunately, when something like the promise of an industry free from the ills of discrimination and patriarchy sounds too good to be true, that’s usually because it is.

Dismantling Systemic Racism in the Cannabis Industry: A Call to Action

Join us as we acknowledge and call the industry to action to dismantle systematic racism in the cannabis industry today while standing in solidarity with the protests against systemic racism and violence against black and brown people in the United States!

Cannabis & Consciousness: An Exclusive Interview With Jason Silva

We sat down with Jason Silva, the television personality, filmmaker, futurist, philosopher, and public speaker, to discuss his relationship with cannabis and psychedelic substances.


Canopy maps out turnaround built on layoffs, drinks, U.S. CBD

Canopy Growth Corp. is doubling down on its cannabis-infused vapes and drinks, as well as upcoming U.S. CBD products, while continuing to cut costs as it looks to rebuild investors’ trust.

Aurora to close five facilities, lay off 700 staff in latest restructuring

Aurora Cannabis Inc. announced Tuesday it is closing five of its production facilities and laying off about 700 workers as the pot giant continues restructuring its operations in a bid to achieve profitability.

An online business directory and marketplace for the Australian cannabis and hemp industry




HEMP Party Protest in Eden-Monaro by-election

The Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party will provide a protest vote for Cannabis law reform at the Eden-Monaro by-election on Saturday 4 July 2020.

EGA presents Garden States Microdose – free livestream

Sunday 5th July from 11 am- 6:30 pm AEST on EGA youtube channel Entheo TV (subscribe now). Keynote guest Dennis McKenna.

Australian Ethnobotanical and Psychedelic Community Video Call Out [Online]

Entheogenesis Australis invites the Australian ethnobotanical and psychedelic community to contribute original video content to our livestream on Sunday 5 July 2020. Click here for more details.

Australian Medical Cannabis Research FREE Webinar [Online]

Wednesday 22 July 7pm AEST: Australia is leading the way globally in a number of clinical trials involving medicinal cannabis. This webinar features 5 Researchers discussing their work, the significance and challenges. REGISTER HERE

Drug Policy Public Discussion Forum [Sydney]

Australian Medicinal Cannabis Conference 2020 [Melbourne]

 Hemp, Health & Innovation Expo [Sydney]

Garden States – Cultivating Plant Knowledge [Melbourne]

Saturday 6 December 2020 at 9:00am

Springvale City Hall, 397 – 405 Springvale Rd, Springvale VIC 3171

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